The Oriental fruit fly
- 10474182
- Publisher / Repository:
- Wiley-Blackwell
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Systematic Entomology
- Volume:
- 49
- Issue:
- 2
- 0307-6970
- Format(s):
- Medium: X Size: p. 279-293
- Size(s):
- p. 279-293
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract— The genusBurmeistera consists mostly of cloud forest species occurring from Guatemala to Peru. Molecular work on this group has revealed previously established subgeneric groupings to be non-monophyletic, while also identifying several monophyletic groups with recognizable synapomorphies. One such monophyletic group is a clade of species with recurved corolla lobes which contains three species:B. crispiloba ,B. sodiroana , andB. succulenta . As many as nine names have been recognized previously for these species, though the most recent taxonomic treatments recognize only these three. Additional collections of these species made in the last forty years have uncovered phenotypic variation showing that characters traditionally used to differentiate them no longer do so clearly and suggest the possibility of introgression between them. Here, we report morphometric analyses of herbarium specimens of the recurved corolla clade, using both hierarchical and normal mixture model-based clustering methods to test the current species hypotheses. Our results support the recognition of the three known species plus the newly describedBurmeistera kitrinaima sp. nov. We provide complete descriptions of all four species, and include photographs, distributions maps, taxonomic discussion, and an identification key. Andes, biodiversity, cluster analysis, hybridization, taxonomy.Keywords— -
Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa (Ed.)
The marine ribbon worm genus
Tetranemertes Chernyshev, 1992 currently includes three species: the type speciesT. antonina (Quatrefages, 1846) from the Mediterranean Sea,T. rubrolineata (Kirsteuer, 1965) from Madagascar, andT. hermaphroditica (Gibson, 1982) from Australia. Seven new species are described:T. bifrost sp. nov. ,T. ocelata sp. nov. ,T. majinbuui sp. nov. , andT. pastafariensis sp. nov. from the Caribbean Sea (Panamá), and three species,T. unistriata sp. nov. ,T. paulayi sp. nov. , andT. arabica sp. nov. , from the Indo-West Pacific (Japan and Oman). As a result, an amended morphological diagnosis of the genus is offered. To improve nomenclatural stability, a neotype ofTetranemertes antonina is designated from the Mediterranean. The newly described species, each characterized by features of external appearance and stylet apparatus, as well as by DNA-barcodes, form a well-supported clade withT. antonina on a molecular phylogeny of monostiliferan hoplonemerteans based on partial sequences of COI, 16S rRNA, 18S rRNA, and 28S rRNA. Six of the seven newly described species, as well asT. rubrolineata , possess the unusual character of having a central stylet basis slightly bilobed to deeply forked posteriorly in fully grown individuals, a possible morphological synapomorphy of the genus. In addition, an undescribed species ofTetranemertes is reported from the Eastern Tropical Pacific (Panamá), increasing the total number of known species in the genus to eleven. -
This revision is based on sampling efforts over the past three decades in the southern Appalachian Mountains which have provided
Nesticus (Araneae, Nesticidae) collections of approximately 2100 adult specimens from more than 475 unique collecting events. Using a “morphology first” framework we examined recently collected specimens plus museum material to formulate morphology-based species hypotheses for putative new taxa (discovery phase). Using sequence capture of nuclear ultraconserved elements (UCEs) we analyzed 801 nuclear loci to validate new (and prior) morphology-based species hypotheses (validation phase) and reconstructed a robust backbone phylogeny including all described and new species. Sanger sequencing and UCE-bycatch were also used to gather mitochondrial data for more than 240 specimens. Based on our integrative taxonomic framework ten newNesticus species are herein described, includingN. binfordae sp. nov. ,N. bondi sp. nov. ,N. canei sp. nov. ,N. cherokeensis sp. nov. ,N. dellingeri sp. nov. ,N. dykemanae sp. nov. ,N. jemisinae sp. nov. ,N. lowderi sp. nov. ,N. roanensis sp. nov. , andN. templetoni sp. nov. Previously unknown males are also described forN. bishopi Gertsch, 1984,N. crosbyi Gertsch, 1984, andN. silvanus Gertsch, 1984, as well as the previously unknown female forN. mimus Gertsch, 1984. Based on combined evidenceN. cooperi Gertsch, 1984 is placed in synonymy withN. reclusus Gertsch, 1984. Overall, the montane radiation of AppalachianNesticus reveals a general lack of species sympatry and compelling biogeographic patterns. Several regionalNesticus taxa are rare, microendemic habitat specialists that deserve conservation attention and detailed future monitoring as conservation sentinels. -
Species of the genus
Lathrobium Gravenhorst (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae) from North America north of Mexico are reviewed and 41 species are recognized. Morphology and mitochondrial COI sequence data were used to guide species designations in three flightless lineages endemic to the southern Appalachian Mountains, a biologically diverse region known for cryptic diversity. Using a combination of phylogeny, algorithm-based species delimitation analyses, and genitalic morphology, five new cryptic species are described and possible biogeographic scenarios for their speciation hypothesized:L. balsamense Haberski & Caterino,sp. nov. ,L. camplyacra Haberski & Caterino,sp. nov. ,L. islae Haberski & Caterino,sp. nov. ,L. lividum Haberski & Caterino,sp. nov. ,L. smokiense Haberski & Caterino,sp. nov. Five additional species are described:L. absconditum Haberski & Caterino,sp. nov. ,L. hardeni Haberski & Caterino,sp. nov. ,L. lapidum Haberski & Caterino,sp. nov. ,L. solum Haberski & Caterino,sp. nov. , andL. thompsonorum Haberski & Caterino,sp. nov. Two species are transferred fromLathrobium toPseudolathra Casey:Pseudolathra parcum (LeConte, 1880),comb. nov. andPseudolathra texana (Casey, 1905),comb. nov. Twenty-six names are reduced to synonymy. Lectotypes are designated for 47 species. Larvae are described where known, and characters of possible diagnostic value are summarized. Species diagnoses, distributions, illustrations of male and female genitalia, and a key toLathrobium species known from the Nearctic region (including several introduced species) are provided. -
Two genera of the Rhodymeniales, Halopeltis and Leptofauchea, are here reported for the first time from the Hawaiian Islands and represent the deepest records for both genera. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI), rbcL, and large subunit ribosomal DNA (LSU) sequences for Hawaiian specimens of Leptofauchea revealed one well-supported clade of Hawaiian specimens and three additional lineages. One of these clades is described here as Leptofauchea huawelau sp. nov., and is thus far known only from mesophotic depths at Penguin Bank in the Main Hawaiian Islands. L. huawelau sp. nov. is up to 21 cm, and is the largest known species. An additional lineage identified in the LSU and rbcL analyses corresponds to the recently described L. lucida from Western Australia, and is a new record for Hawai‘i. Hawaiian Halopeltis formed a well-supported clade along with H. adnata from Korea, the recently described H. tanakae from mesophotic depths in Japan, and H. willisii from North Carolina, and is here described as Halopeltis nuahilihilia sp. nov. H. nuahilihilia sp. nov. has a distinctive morphology of narrow vegetative axes that harbor constrictions along their length. The current distribution of H. nuahilihilia includes mesophotic depths around W. Maui, W. Moloka‘i, and the island of Hawai‘i in the Main Hawaiian Islands. Few reproductive characters were observed because of the small number of specimens available; however, both species are distinct based on phylogeny and morphology. These descriptions further emphasize the Hawaiian mesophotic zone as a location harboring many undescribed species of marine macroalgae.more » « less