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Title: Uniform Lech’s inequality

Let(R,m)(R,\mathfrak {m})be a Noetherian local ring of dimensiond≥<#comment/>2d\geq 2. We prove that ife(R^<#comment/>red)>1e(\widehat {R}_{red})>1, then the classical Lech’s inequality can be improved uniformly for allm\mathfrak {m}-primary ideals, that is, there existsε<#comment/>>0\varepsilon >0such thate(I)≤<#comment/>d!(e(R)−<#comment/>ε<#comment/>)ℓ<#comment/>(R/I)e(I)\leq d!(e(R)-\varepsilon )\ell (R/I)for allm\mathfrak {m}-primary idealsI⊆<#comment/>RI\subseteq R. This answers a question raised by Huneke, Ma, Quy, and Smirnov [Adv. Math. 372 (2020), pp. 107296, 33]. We also obtain partial results towards improvements of Lech’s inequality when we fix the number of generators ofII.

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Award ID(s):
1901672 1952366
Author(s) / Creator(s):
Publisher / Repository:
American Mathematical Society
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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