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Title: Microscale Neuronal Activity Collectively Drives Chaotic and Inflexible Dynamics at the Macroscale in Seizures

Neuronal activity propagates through the network during seizures, engaging brain dynamics at multiple scales. Such propagating events can be described through the avalanches framework, which can relate spatiotemporal activity at the microscale with global network properties. Interestingly, propagating avalanches in healthy networks are indicative of critical dynamics, where the network is organized to a phase transition, which optimizes certain computational properties. Some have hypothesized that the pathologic brain dynamics of epileptic seizures are an emergent property of microscale neuronal networks collectively driving the brain away from criticality. Demonstrating this would provide a unifying mechanism linking microscale spatiotemporal activity with emergent brain dysfunction during seizures. Here, we investigated the effect of drug-induced seizures on critical avalanche dynamics, usingin vivowhole-brain two-photon imaging of GCaMP6s larval zebrafish (males and females) at single neuron resolution. We demonstrate that single neuron activity across the whole brain exhibits a loss of critical statistics during seizures, suggesting that microscale activity collectively drives macroscale dynamics away from criticality. We also construct spiking network models at the scale of the larval zebrafish brain, to demonstrate that only densely connected networks can drive brain-wide seizure dynamics away from criticality. Importantly, such dense networks also disrupt the optimal computational capacities of critical networks, leading to chaotic dynamics, impaired network response properties and sticky states, thus helping to explain functional impairments during seizures. This study bridges the gap between microscale neuronal activity and emergent macroscale dynamics and cognitive dysfunction during seizures.

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTEpileptic seizures are debilitating and impair normal brain function. It is unclear how the coordinated behavior of neurons collectively impairs brain function during seizures. To investigate this we perform fluorescence microscopy in larval zebrafish, which allows for the recording of whole-brain activity at single-neuron resolution. Using techniques from physics, we show that neuronal activity during seizures drives the brain away from criticality, a regime that enables both high and low activity states, into an inflexible regime that drives high activity states. Importantly, this change is caused by more connections in the network, which we show disrupts the ability of the brain to respond appropriately to its environment. Therefore, we identify key neuronal network mechanisms driving seizures and concurrent cognitive dysfunction.

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Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ; ; ; ; ;
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Date Published:
Journal Name:
The Journal of Neuroscience
Page Range / eLocation ID:
3259 to 3283
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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