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Title: The SD-FIRST Program – Impact on First-Generation Students
The SD-FIRST program helps fill in the gaps of first-generation students’ home-to-college transition, provides a robust support system by connecting existing campus resources, and provides guidance for staff and faculty on interactions and unique challenges with this student population. Programmatic elements specific for first-generation students, driven by evidence-based resiliency research, were developed to provide academic, social, and economic support. The expected outcome of the SD-FIRST program is to achieve a sustainable increased retention and graduation rate, and an increase in emotional intelligence for students participating in the program. The initial cohort of SD-FIRST scholars began in the fall 2021 semester, and the details of the program as well as initial implementation are included in this paper.  more » « less
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Publisher / Repository:
American Society of Engineering Education
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Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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