We consider tit-for-tat dynamics in production markets, where there is a set of
- 10488252
- Publisher / Repository:
- IOP Publishing
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Nonlinearity
- Volume:
- 37
- Issue:
- 3
- 0951-7715
- Format(s):
- Medium: X Size: Article No. 035006
- Size(s):
- Article No. 035006
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Yllka Velaj and Ulrich Berger (Ed.)
This paper considers a two-player game where each player chooses a resource from a finite collection of options. Each resource brings a random reward. Both players have statistical information regarding the rewards of each resource. Additionally, there exists an information asymmetry where each player has knowledge of the reward realizations of different subsets of the resources. If both players choose the same resource, the reward is divided equally between them, whereas if they choose different resources, each player gains the full reward of the resource. We first implement the iterative best response algorithm to find an ϵ-approximate Nash equilibrium for this game. This method of finding a Nash equilibrium may not be desirable when players do not trust each other and place no assumptions on the incentives of the opponent. To handle this case, we solve the problem of maximizing the worst-case expected utility of the first player. The solution leads to counter-intuitive insights in certain special cases. To solve the general version of the problem, we develop an efficient algorithmic solution that combines online convex optimization and the drift-plus penalty technique.
Dyck-reachability is a fundamental formulation for program analysis, which has been widely used to capture properly-matched-parenthesis program properties such as function calls/returns and field writes/reads. Bidirected Dyck-reachability is a relaxation of Dyck-reachability on bidirected graphs where each edge u → ( i v labeled by an open parenthesis “( i ” is accompanied with an inverse edge v → ) i u labeled by the corresponding close parenthesis “) i ”, and vice versa. In practice, many client analyses such as alias analysis adopt the bidirected Dyck-reachability formulation. Bidirected Dyck-reachability admits an optimal reachability algorithm. Specifically, given a graph with n nodes and m edges, the optimal bidirected Dyck-reachability algorithm computes all-pairs reachability information in O ( m ) time. This paper focuses on the dynamic version of bidirected Dyck-reachability. In particular, we consider the problem of maintaining all-pairs Dyck-reachability information in bidirected graphs under a sequence of edge insertions and deletions. Dynamic bidirected Dyck-reachability can formulate many program analysis problems in the presence of code changes. Unfortunately, solving dynamic graph reachability problems is challenging. For example, even for maintaining transitive closure, the fastest deterministic dynamic algorithm requires O ( n 2 ) update time to achieve O (1) query time. All-pairs Dyck-reachability is a generalization of transitive closure. Despite extensive research on incremental computation, there is no algorithmic development on dynamic graph algorithms for program analysis with worst-case guarantees. Our work fills the gap and proposes the first dynamic algorithm for Dyck reachability on bidirected graphs. Our dynamic algorithms can handle each graph update ( i.e. , edge insertion and deletion) in O ( n ·α( n )) time and support any all-pairs reachability query in O (1) time, where α( n ) is the inverse Ackermann function. We have implemented and evaluated our dynamic algorithm on an alias analysis and a context-sensitive data-dependence analysis for Java. We compare our dynamic algorithms against a straightforward approach based on the O ( m )-time optimal bidirected Dyck-reachability algorithm and a recent incremental Datalog solver. Experimental results show that our algorithm achieves orders of magnitude speedup over both approaches.more » « less