Millions of nocturnally migrating birds die each year from collisions with built structures, especially brightly illuminated buildings and communication towers. Reducing this source of mortality requires knowledge of important behavioral, meteorological, and anthropogenic factors, yet we lack an understanding of the interacting roles of migration, artificial lighting, and weather conditions in causing fatal bird collisions. Using two decades of collision surveys and concurrent weather and migration measures, we model numbers of collisions occurring at a large urban building in Chicago. We find that the magnitude of nocturnal bird migration, building light output, and wind conditions are the most important predictors of fatal collisions. The greatest mortality occurred when the building was brightly lit during large nocturnal migration events and when winds concentrated birds along the Chicago lakeshore. We estimate that halving lighted window area decreases collision counts by 11× in spring and 6× in fall. Bird mortality could be reduced by ∼60% at this site by decreasing lighted window area to minimum levels historically recorded. Our study provides strong support for a relationship between nocturnal migration magnitude and urban bird mortality, mediated by light pollution and local atmospheric conditions. Although our research focuses on a single site, our findings have global implications for reducing or eliminating a critically important cause of bird mortality.
Bird–building collisions account for 365–988 million bird fatalities every year in the United States alone. Understanding conditions that heighten collision risk is critical to developing effective strategies for reducing this source of anthropogenic bird mortality. Meteorological factors and regional migration traffic may increase collision rates but also may be difficult to disentangle from other effects. We used 5 years of bird collision counts in New York City to examine the influence of nocturnal weather conditions and bird migration traffic rates on collisions with buildings during spring and fall. We found that seasonally unfavourable winds and conditions that impede visibility are important factors that increase the rates of bird–building collisions during both seasons. Specifically, northerly and westerly winds and low visibility in the spring and southerly and westerly winds and low cloud ceiling height in the fall are associated with higher collision risks. Generally, these weather variables associated most strongly with increased collisions when nocturnal bird migration traffic was high, with the exception of low visibility in spring, which was predicted to triple collision rates compared to high visibility, independent of bird migration traffic.
- 10491440
- Publisher / Repository:
- Wiley-Blackwell
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Journal of Applied Ecology
- Volume:
- 61
- Issue:
- 4
- 0021-8901
- Format(s):
- Medium: X Size: p. 784-796
- Size(s):
- p. 784-796
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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