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Title: Using craniofacial fluctuating asymmetry to examine the effects of sex, socioeconomic status, and early life experiences on adult age at death in industrial England
Abstract Objectives

Historical evidence from 18th‐ and 19th‐century England suggests that industrialization's impacts on health were largely negative, especially among marginalized groups. However, available documentary evidence is often biased toward adult men and rarely sheds light on the experiences of other members of the population, such as women and children. Craniofacial fluctuating asymmetry (FA) can serve as a proxy measurement of developmental instability and stress during development. This study examines the associations among age, sex, socioeconomic status (SES), and FA in skeletal samples from industrial‐era England.

Materials and Methods

The sample for this study comes from four industrial‐era cemeteries from England (A.D. 1711–1857). Geometric morphometric analyses of three‐dimensional landmark coordinate data were used to generate a measure of FA for each individual (Mahalanobis distance). A three‐way ANOVA was used to evaluate the impacts of sex, SES, and FA scores on adult age at death (n = 168).


Significant associations existed between age at death and SES (p = 0.004) and FA scores (p = 0.094). Comparisons of the estimated means indicated that age at death was consistently higher among high SES individuals and individuals with FA scores less than one standard deviation from the mean.


This study supports findings from previous studies that have suggested that the differences in resource access and environmental buffering generated by socioeconomic inequality can impact longevity and patterns of mortality among socioeconomic status groups. Likewise, stress in early life—evinced by craniofacial fluctuating asymmetry—can influence observed patterns of longevity in adults decades later.

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Author(s) / Creator(s):
Publisher / Repository:
Wiley Blackwell (John Wiley & Sons)
Date Published:
Journal Name:
American Journal of Biological Anthropology
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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