The conversion efficiency and phase matching bandwidth of ultrafast optical parametric amplification (OPA) are constrained by the dispersion and nonlinear coefficient of the employed crystal as well as pulse shaping effects. In our work we show that an enhancement cavity resonant with the pump seeded at the full repetition rate of the pump laser can automatically reshape the small-signal gain in optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification (OPCPA) to achieve close-to-optimal operation. This new method termed cavity-enhanced OPCPA or C-OPCPA significantly increases both the gain bandwidth and the conversion efficiency, in addition to boosting gain for high-repetition-rate amplification. The goal in C-OPCPA is to arrive at a condition of impedance matching at all temporal coordinates, such that, in the absence of linear losses, all the incident pump power is dissipated in the nonlinear loss element, i.e., converted to signal and idler. The use of a low finesse enhancement cavity resonant with a low average power (<1W) and a high repetition rate (78MHz) pump source is shown to achieve more than 50% conversion efficiency into signal and idler from the coupled pump in an optical parametric process, whereas an equivalent amount of pump power in a single-pass configuration leads to negligible conversion. Additionally, the gain bandwidth is extended by a factor of 3-4 beyond the phase-matching limit. Our empirical observations are corroborated by a numerical analysis of depletion optimizing the single-pass case, which assesses the underlying impedance matching that is responsible for the observed performance improvements.
Optical parametric amplification is one of the most flexible approaches for generating coherent light at long wavelengths, but typical implementations require prohibitively large pump pulse energies to realize useful amounts of gain. In this work, we experimentally demonstrate an approach to optical parametric amplification in which an interplay between parametric gain and symmetric temporal walk-off confines the non-degenerate signal and idler to form a three-wave soliton. Gain-trapped solitons propagate stably over arbitrarily long interaction lengths, which reduces the energy required for high-gain operation by orders of magnitude. The devices demonstrated here realize large parametric gains (>70dB) with only picojoules of pump pulse energy in a 5-mm-long thin-film lithium niobate on sapphire nanowaveguide. In addition, we observe an array of desirable features including high conversion efficiencies (>50%), wide tuning ranges (>100nm), and broad spectral bandwidths (>180nm 3 dB for the 3200-nm idler). When combined with the dispersion engineering available in tightly confining nanowaveguides, this approach enables high-gain optical parametric amplifiers operating at any wavelength.
more » « less- PAR ID:
- 10492049
- Publisher / Repository:
- Optical Society of America
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Optica
- Volume:
- 11
- Issue:
- 3
- 2334-2536
- Format(s):
- Medium: X Size: Article No. 315
- Size(s):
- Article No. 315
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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