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Title: Food and time: dietary plasticity of different sources of a generalist insect herbivore

Painted lady butterflies (Vanessa cardui L., Nymphalidae) are generalist herbivores and serve as a model system across several fields of biology. While it has been demonstrated that V. cardui caterpillars can develop on different host plants, much of this work has been done on commercially sourced caterpillars, which could limit our understanding of wild V. cardui populations. In this study, we sought to explore possible differences in how commercial and wild V. cardui caterpillars may respond to feeding on different host plants, and subsequently, how their diet impacts immune response and survival. Here, we analyzed performance, survival, and immune response of wild and commercially sourced V. cardui caterpillars over several generations on diets that consisted of either 1 of 4 different host plant species or a mixed diet including all 4 species. Qualitatively, we observed that wild larvae had a better larval performance and hemocyte counts compared to the commercial larvae. The results demonstrate that both wild and commercially sourced caterpillars grew and survived best on the same diet treatments (mallow, narrowleaf plantain, and a mixed diet) during development across generations. Immune responses showed similar patterns across host plants between wild and commercial populations, with individuals showing lowered immune responses on dandelion and lupine and higher ones on mallow, plantain and the mixed diet; although the relative rankings on those 3 diets varied. Survival also demonstrated similar patterns, in that individuals reared on dandelion and lupine had the lowest survival.

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Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ;
Publisher / Repository:
Oxford University Press
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Journal of Insect Science
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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