- Award ID(s):
- 2129629
- 10497772
- Publisher / Repository:
- Geological Society of America
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Abstracts with programs Geological Society of America
- Volume:
- 55
- Issue:
- 6
- 0016-7592
- Subject(s) / Keyword(s):
- Ammonoidea Cretaceous Morphometrics
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Natural History collections contain primary data spanning the history of life on Earth. Much of these data remain understudied and therefore has not been integrated into our current understanding of paleontology. One such collection is the eurypterid collection at the University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology (UMMP). Last summer this material was digitized and preliminary morphometrics work was conducted. Here, we leverage the work we completed to include material from other previously published studies on eurypterid morphometrics. Specifically, we are interested in evaluating landmark placement between studies and comparing results of the two studies separately and combined. 130 specimens from the UMMP possess intact prosoma and were landmarked in the StereoMorph package in R. Four fixed landmarks and two sets of sliding landmarks along curves of the prosoma were employed. The data were analyzed using a Principal Components Analysis(PCA) and results were visualized in R using ggplot2. Previous work utilized more landmarks, which were unobtainable with the UMMP dataset. So for a viable comparison, approximately 115 specimens (those used in Bicknell and Amati 2021) from the New York State Museum and Yale Peabody were landmarked using our smaller landmark set. This allows us to examine the efficacy of different amounts and types of landmarks (fixed versus curves) and the resulting distribution in morphospace. The resulting morphospace shows a broad occupation of the genus Eurypterus, which supports previous studies. Additionally, there is a difference in distance between groups in the combined morphospace compared to previous work. This is likely due to the variation in landmarks used to capture specific aspects of the prosoma. This case study in landmark variation provides evidence that landmark selection, research question, and reproducibility should be carefully considered. Furthermore, targeted digitization of museum collections will increase mobilization of primary datasets.more » « less
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null (Ed.)Synopsis A substantial body of research has been accumulated around ammonoids over several decades. A core aspect of this research has been attempting to infer their life mode from analysis of the morphology of their shells and the drag they incur as that shell is pushed through the water. Tools such as Westermann Morphospace have been developed to investigate and scaffold hypotheses about the results of these investigations. We use computational fluid dynamics to simulate fluid flow around a suite of 24 theoretical ammonoid morphologies to interrogate systematic variations within this space. Our findings uphold some of the long-standing expectations of drag behavior; conch inflation has the greatest influence over ammonoid drag. However, we also find that other long-standing assumptions, such as oxyconic ammonoids being the best swimmers, are subject to substantial variation and nuance resulting from their morphology that is not accounted for through simple drag assessment.more » « less
Abstract Bivalves protect themselves from predators using both mechanical and behavioral defenses. While their shells serve as mechanical armor, bivalve shells also enable evasive behaviors such as swimming and burrowing. Therefore, bivalve shell shape is a critical determinant of how successfully an organism can defend against attack. Shape is believed to be related to shell strength with bivalve shell shapes converging on a select few morphologies that correlate with life mode and motility. In this study, mathematical modeling and 3D printing were used to analyze the protective function of different shell shapes against vertebrate shell-crushing predators. Considering what life modes different shapes permit and analyzing the strength of these shapes in compression provides insight to evolutionary and ecological tradeoffs with respect to mechanical and behavioral defenses. These empirical tests are the first of their kind to isolate the influence of bivalve shell shape on strength and quantitatively demonstrate that shell strength is derived from multiple shape parameters. The findings of this theoretical study are consistent with examples of shell shapes that allow escape behaviors being mechanically weaker than those which do not. Additionally, shell elongation from the umbo, a metric often overlooked, is shown to have significant effects on shell strength.
Abstract Southern hemisphere blue (
Balaenoptera musculus intermedia ) and fin (Balaenoptera physalus ) whales are the largest predators in the Southern Ocean, with similarities in morphology and distribution. Yet, understanding of their life history and foraging is limited due to current low abundances and limited ecological data. To address these gaps, historic Antarctic blue (n = 5) and fin (n = 5) whale baleen plates, collected in 1947–1948 and recently rediscovered in the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, were analyzed for bulk (δ13C and δ15N) stable isotopes. Regular oscillations in isotopic ratios, interpreted as annual cycles, revealed that baleen plates contain approximately 6 years (14.35 ± 1.20 cm year−1) of life history data in blue whales and 4 years (16.52 ± 1.86 cm year−1) in fin whales. Isotopic results suggest that: (1) while in the Southern Ocean, blue and fin whales likely fed at the same trophic level but demonstrated niche differentiation; (2) fin whales appear to have had more regular annual migrations; and (3) fin whales may have migrated to ecologically distinct sub‐Antarctic waters annually while some blue whales may have resided year‐round in the Southern Ocean. These results reveal differences in ecological niche and life history strategies between Antarctic blue and fin whales during a time period when their populations were more abundant than today, and before major human‐driven climatic changes occurred in the Southern Ocean.