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This content will become publicly available on February 1, 2025

Title: Epidemics in native species influence the outcome of a species invasion
Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ; ;
Publisher / Repository:
Springer Publishing
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Page Range / eLocation ID:
327 to 337
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  2. Summary

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  3. Foundation species define and structure ecological communities but are difficult to identify before they are declining. Yet, their defining role in ecosystems suggests they should be a high priority for protection and management while they are still common and abundant. We used comparative analyses of six large forest dynamics plots spanning a temperate-to-tropical gradient in the Western Hemisphere to identify statistical “fingerprints” of potential foundation species based on their size-frequency and abundance-diameter distributions, and their spatial association with five measures of diversity of associated woody plant species. Potential foundation species are outliers from the common “reverse-J” size-frequency distribution, and have negative effects on alpha diversity and positive effects on beta diversity at most spatial lags and directions. Potential foundation species also are more likely in temperate forests, but foundational species groups may occur in tropical forests. As foundation species (or species groups) decline, associated landscape-scale (beta) diversity is likely to decline along with them. Preservation of this component of biodiversity may be the most important consequence of protecting foundation species while they are still common. 
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