Mutually misaligned circumbinary planets may form in a warped or broken gas disk or from later planet–planet interactions. With numerical simulations and analytic estimates we explore the dynamics of two circumbinary planets with a large mutual inclination. A coplanar inner planet causes prograde apsidal precession of the binary and the stationary inclination for the outer planet is higher for larger outer planet orbital radius. In this case a coplanar outer planet always remains coplanar. On the other hand, a polar inner planet causes retrograde apsidal precession of the binary orbit and the stationary inclination is smaller for larger outer planet orbital radius. For a range of outer planet semimajor axes, an initially coplanar orbit is librating meaning that the outer planet undergoes large tilt oscillations. Circumbinary planets that are highly inclined to the binary are difficult to detect—it is unlikely for a planet to have an inclination below the transit detection limit in the presence of a polar inner planet. These results suggest that there could be a population of circumbinary planets that are undergoing large tilt oscillations.
We analyse a tilt instability of the orbit of an outer planet in a two-planet circumbinary system that we recently reported. The binary is on an eccentric orbit and the inner circumbinary planet is on a circular polar orbit that causes the binary to undergo apsidal precession. The outer circumbinary planet is initially on a circular or eccentric orbit that is coplanar with respect to the binary. We apply a Hamiltonian in quadrupole order of the binary potential to show that the tilt instability is the result of a secular resonance in which the apsidal precession rate of the binary matches the nodal precession rate of the outer planet. A resonance is possible because the polar inner planet causes the apsidal precession of the binary to be retrograde. The outer planet periodically undergoes large tilt oscillations for which we analytically determine the initial evolution and maximum inclination. Following a typically relatively short adjustment phase, the tilt grows exponentially in time at a characteristic rate that is of order the absolute value of the binary apsidal precession rate. The analytic results agree well with numerical simulations. This instability is analogous to the Kozai–Lidov instability, but applied to a circumbinary object. The instability fails to operate if the binary mass ratio is too extreme. The instability occurs even if the outer planet is instead an object of stellar mass and involves tilt oscillations of the inner binary.
more » « less- PAR ID:
- 10503582
- Publisher / Repository:
- Oxford University Press
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
- Volume:
- 530
- Issue:
- 3
- 0035-8711
- Format(s):
- Medium: X Size: p. 2852-2865
- Size(s):
- p. 2852-2865
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract We study the effects of general relativity (GR) on the evolution and alignment of circumbinary disks around binaries on all scales. We implement relativistic apsidal precession of the binary into the hydrodynamics code
phantom . We find that the effects of GR can suppress the stable polar alignment of a circumbinary disk, depending on how the relativistic binary apsidal precession timescale compares to the disk nodal precession timescale. Studies of circumbinary disk evolution typically ignore the effects of GR, which is an appropriate simplification for low-mass or widely separated binary systems. In this case, polar alignment occurs, provided that the disks initial misalignment is sufficiently large. However, systems with a very short relativistic precession timescale cannot polar align and instead move toward coplanar alignment. In the intermediate regime where the timescales are similar, the outcome depends upon the properties of the disk. Polar alignment is more likely in the wavelike disk regime (where the disk viscosity parameter is less than the aspect ratio,α <H /r ), since the disk is in good radial communication. In the viscous disk regime, disk breaking is more likely. Multiple rings can destructively interact with one another, resulting in short disk lifetimes and the disk moving toward coplanar alignment. Around main-sequence star or stellar mass black hole binaries, polar alignment may be suppressed far from the binary, but in general, the inner parts of the disk can align to polar. Polar alignment may be completely suppressed for disks around supermassive black holes for close binary separations.