S-shaped radio galaxy jets are prime sources for investigating the dynamic interplay between the central active galactic nucleus (AGN), the jets, and the ambient intergalactic medium. These sources are excellent candidates for studying jet precession, as their S-shaped inversion symmetry strongly indicates underlying precession. We present a multiwavelength analysis of the giant inversion-symmetric S-shaped radio galaxy PKS 2300$-$18, which spans 0.76 Mpc. The host is a quasar at a redshift of 0.128, displaying disturbed optical morphology due to an ongoing merger with a companion galaxy. We conducted a broad-band radio spectral study using multifrequency data ranging from 183 MHz to 6 GHz, incorporating dedicated observations with the upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (uGMRT) and Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA) alongside archival radio data. A particle injection model was fitted to the spectra of different regions of the source to perform ageing analysis, which was supplemented with a kinematic jet precession model. The ageing analysis revealed a maximum plasma age of $\sim$ 40 Myr, while the jet precession model indicated a precession period of $\sim$ 12 Myr. ROentgen SATellite (ROSAT) data revealed an X-ray halo of Mpc size, and from Chandra the AGN X-ray spectrum was modelled using thermal and power-law components. The optical spectrum displaying double-peaked broad emission lines was modelled, indicating complex broad-line region kinematics at the centre with the possibility of a binary SMBH. We present the results of our multiwavelength analysis of the source, spanning scales from a few light-days to a few Mpc, and discuss its potential evolutionary path.
Identifying methods to discover dual active galactic nucleus (AGN) has proven to be challenging. Several indirect tracers have been explored in the literature, including X/S-shaped radio morphologies and double-peaked (DP) emission lines in the optical spectra. However, the detection rates of confirmed dual AGN candidates from the individual methods remain extremely small. We search for binary black holes (BBH) in a sample of six sources that exhibit both X-shaped radio morphology and DP emission lines using the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA). Three out of the six sources show dual VLBA compact components, making them strong candidates for BBH sources. In addition, we present deep uGMRT images revealing the exquisite details of the X-shaped wings in three sources. We present a detailed precession modeling analysis of these sources. The black hole separations estimated from the simplistic geodetic precession model are incompatible with those estimated from emission line offsets and the VLBA separations. However, precession induced by a non-coplanar secondary black hole is a feasible mechanism for explaining the observed X-shaped radio morphologies and the black hole separations estimated from other methods. The black hole separations estimated from the double-peaked emission lines agree well with the VLBA compact component separations. Future multifrequency VLBA observations will be critical in ruling out or confirming the BBH scenario in the three galaxies with dual component detections.
more » « less- PAR ID:
- 10506194
- Publisher / Repository:
- Oxford University Press
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
- Volume:
- 530
- Issue:
- 4
- 0035-8711
- Format(s):
- Medium: X Size: p. 4902-4919
- Size(s):
- p. 4902-4919
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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