- Award ID(s):
- 2145810
- 10508975
- Publisher / Repository:
- Date Published:
- 979-8-3503-0413-8
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 0714 to 0721
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Location:
- New York, NY, USA
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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In this paper, a distributed swarm control problem is studied for large-scale multi-agent systems (LS-MASs). Different than classical multi-agent systems, an LS-MAS brings new challenges to control design due to its large number of agents. It might be more difficult for developing the appropriate control to achieve complicated missions such as collective swarming. To address these challenges, a novel mixed game theory is developed with a hierarchical learning algorithm. In the mixed game, the LS-MAS is represented as a multi-group, large-scale leader–follower system. Then, a cooperative game is used to formulate the distributed swarm control for multi-group leaders, and a Stackelberg game is utilized to couple the leaders and their large-scale followers effectively. Using the interaction between leaders and followers, the mean field game is used to continue the collective swarm behavior from leaders to followers smoothly without raising the computational complexity or communication traffic. Moreover, a hierarchical learning algorithm is designed to learn the intelligent optimal distributed swarm control for multi-group leader–follower systems. Specifically, a multi-agent actor–critic algorithm is developed for obtaining the distributed optimal swarm control for multi-group leaders first. Furthermore, an actor–critic–mass method is designed to find the decentralized swarm control for large-scale followers. Eventually, a series of numerical simulations and a Lyapunov stability proof of the closed-loop system are conducted to demonstrate the performance of the developed scheme.more » « less
In this article, we consider the problem of stabilizing a class of degenerate stochastic processes, which are constrained to a bounded Euclidean domain or a compact smooth manifold, to a given target probability density. This stabilization problem arises in the field of swarm robotics, for example, in applications where a swarm of robots is required to cover an area according to a target probability density. Most existing works on modeling and control of robotic swarms that use partial differential equation (PDE) models assume that the robots' dynamics are holonomic and, hence, the associated stochastic processes have generators that are elliptic. We relax this assumption on the ellipticity of the generator of the stochastic processes, and consider the more practical case of the stabilization problem for a swarm of agents whose dynamics are given by a controllable driftless control-affine system. We construct state-feedback control laws that exponentially stabilize a swarm of nonholonomic agents to a target probability density that is sufficiently regular. State-feedback laws can stabilize a swarm only to target probability densities that are positive everywhere. To stabilize the swarm to probability densities that possibly have disconnected supports, we introduce a semilinear PDE model of a collection of interacting agents governed by a hybrid switching diffusion process. The interaction between the agents is modeled using a (mean-field) feedback law that is a function of the local density of the swarm, with the switching parameters as the control inputs. We show that under the action of this feedback law, the semilinear PDE system is globally asymptotically stable about the given target probability density. The stabilization strategies with and without agent interactions are verified numerically for agents that evolve according to the Brockett integrator; the strategy with interactions is additionally verified for agents that evolve according to an underactuated s...more » « less
We present a navigation planning framework for dynamic, multi-agent environments, where no explicit communication takes place among agents. Inspired by the collaborative nature of human navigation, our approach encodes the concept of coordination into an agent’s decision making through an inference mechanism about collaborative strategies of collision avoidance. Each such strategy represents a distinct avoidance protocol, prescribing a distinct class of navigation behaviors to agents. We model such classes as equivalence classes of multi-agent path topology, using the formalism of topological braids. This formalism may naturally encode any arbitrarily complex, spatiotemporal, multi-agent behavior, in any environment with any number of agents into a compact representation of dual algebraic and geometric nature. This enables us to construct a probabilistic inference mechanism that predicts the collective strategy of avoidance among multiple agents, based on observation of agents’ past behaviors. We incorporate this mechanism into an online planner that enables an agent to understand a multi-agent scene and determine an action that not only contributes progress towards its destination, but also reduction of the uncertainty of other agents regarding the agent’s role in the emerging strategy of avoidance. This is achieved by picking actions that compromise between energy efficiency and compliance with everyone’s inferred avoidance intentions. We evaluate our approach by comparing against a greedy baseline that only maximizes individual efficiency. Simulation results of statistical significance demonstrate that our planner results in a faster uncertainty decrease that facilitates the decision-making process of co-present agents. The algorithm’s performance highlights the importance of topological reasoning in decentralized, multi-agent planning and appears promising for real-world applications in crowded human environments.
This paper outlines a methodology for the construction of vector fields that can enable a multi-robot system moving on the plane to generate multiple dynamical behaviors by adjusting a single scalar parameter. This parameter essentially triggers a Hopf bifurcation in an underlying time-varying dynamical system that steers a robotic swarm. This way, the swarm can exhibit a variety of behaviors that arise from the same set of continuous differential equations. Other approaches to bifurcation-based swarm coordination rely on agent interaction which cannot be realized if the swarm members cannot sense or communicate with one another. The contribution of this paper is to offer an alternative method for steering minimally instrumented multi-robot collectives with a control strategy that can realize a multitude of dynamical behaviors without switching their constituent equations. Through this approach, analytical solutions for the bifurcation parameter are provided, even for more complex cases that are described in the literature, along with the process to apply this theory in a multi-agent setup. The theoretical predictions are confirmed via simulation and experimental results with the latter also demonstrating real-world applicability.more » « less
We present a game benchmark for testing human- swarm control algorithms and interfaces in a real-time, high- cadence scenario. Our benchmark consists of a swarm vs. swarm game in a virtual ROS environment in which the goal of the game is to “capture” all agents from the opposing swarm; the game’s high-cadence is a result of the capture rules, which cause agent team sizes to fluctuate rapidly. These rules require players to consider both the number of agents currently at their disposal and the behavior of their opponent’s swarm when they plan actions. We demonstrate our game benchmark with a default human-swarm control system that enables a player to interact with their swarm through a high-level touchscreen interface. The touchscreen interface transforms player gestures into swarm control commands via a low-level decentralized ergodic control framework. We compare our default human- swarm control system to a flocking-based control system, and discuss traits that are crucial for swarm control algorithms and interfaces operating in real-time, high-cadence scenarios like our game benchmark. Our game benchmark code is available on Github; more information can be found at https: //sites.google.com/view/swarm- game- benchmark.more » « less