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Title: Generalized perceptual adaptation to second-language speech: Variability, similarity, and intelligibility

Recent work on perceptual learning for speech has suggested that while high-variability training typically results in generalization, low-variability exposure can sometimes be sufficient for cross-talker generalization. We tested predictions of a similarity-based account, according to which, generalization depends on training-test talker similarity rather than on exposure to variability. We compared perceptual adaptation to second-language (L2) speech following single- or multiple-talker training with a round-robin design in which four L2 English talkers from four different first-language (L1) backgrounds served as both training and test talkers. After exposure to 60 L2 English sentences in one training session, cross-talker/cross-accent generalization was possible (but not guaranteed) following either multiple- or single-talker training with variation across training-test talker pairings. Contrary to predictions of the similarity-based account, adaptation was not consistently better for identical than for mismatched training-test talker pairings, and generalization patterns were asymmetrical across training-test talker pairs. Acoustic analyses also revealed a dissociation between phonetic similarity and cross-talker/cross-accent generalization. Notably, variation in adaptation and generalization related to variation in training phase intelligibility. Together with prior evidence, these data suggest that perceptual learning for speech may benefit from some combination of exposure to talker variability, training-test similarity, and high training phase intelligibility.

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Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
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Date Published:
Journal Name:
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Page Range / eLocation ID:
1601 to 1613
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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