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Title: Biarticular Muscles Improve the Stability of a Neuromechanical Model of the Rat Hindlimb
This study introduces a novel neuromechanical model of rat hindlimbs with biarticular muscles producing walking movements without ground contact. The design of the control network is informed by the findings from our previous investigations into two-layer central pattern generators (CPGs). Specifically, we examined one plausible synthetic nervous system (SNS) designed to actuate 3 biarticular muscles, including the Biceps femoris posterior (BFP) and Rectus femoris (RF), both of which provide torque about the hip and knee joints. We conducted multiple perturbation tests on the simulation model to investigate the contribution of these two biarticular muscles in stabilizing perturbed hindlimb walking movements. We tested the BFP and RF muscles under three conditions: active, only passive tension, and fully disabled. Our results show that when these two biarticular muscles were active, they not only reduced the impact of external torques, but also facilitated rapid coordination of motion phases. As a result, the hindlimb model with biarticular muscles demonstrated faster recovery compared to our previous monoarticular muscle model.  more » « less
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Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ;
Publisher / Repository:
Springer, Cham.
Date Published:
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  3. Abstract

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