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Title: Perturbation-tuned triple spiral metamagnetism and tricritical point in kagome metal ErMn6Sn6

Kagome materials are of topical interest for their diverse quantum properties linked with correlated magnetism and topology. Here, we report anomalous hydrostatic pressure (p) effect on ErMn6Sn6through isobaric and isothermal-isobaric magnetization measurements. Magnetic field (H) suppresses antiferromagneticTNwhile simultaneously enhancing the ferrimagneticTCby exhibiting dual metamagnetic transitions, arising from the triple-spiral-nature of Er and Mn spins. Counter-intuitively, pressure enhances bothTCandTNwith a growth rate of 74.4 K GPa−1and 14.4 K GPa−1respectively. Pressure unifies the dual metamagnetic transitions as illustrated throughp-Hphase diagrams at 140 and 200 K. Temperature-field-pressure (T-H,T-p) phase diagrams illustrate distinct field- and pressure-induced critical points at (Tcr= 246 K,Hcr= 23.3 kOe) and (Tcr= 435.8 K,pcr= 4.74 GPa) respectively. An unusual increase of magnetic entropy by pressure aroundTcrand a putative pressure-induced tricritical point pave a unique way of tuning the magnetic properties of kagome magnets through simultaneous application ofHandp.

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Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ; ; ; ;
Publisher / Repository:
Nature Publishing Group
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Communications Materials
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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