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Title: Sketch-and-solve approaches to k -means clustering by semidefinite programming

We study a sketch-and-solve approach to speed up the Peng–Wei semidefinite relaxation of $k$-means clustering. When the data are appropriately separated we identify the $k$-means optimal clustering. Otherwise, our approach provides a high-confidence lower bound on the optimal $k$-means value. This lower bound is data-driven; it does not make any assumption on the data nor how they are generated. We provide code and an extensive set of numerical experiments where we use this approach to certify approximate optimality of clustering solutions obtained by k-means++.

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Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ;
Publisher / Repository:
Oxford University Press
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  5. Abstract Motivation

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    We prove a near-tight lower bound on the density of forward sampling schemes, a class of schemes that generalizes minimizer schemes. For small w and k, we observe that our bound is tight when k≡1(mod w). For large w and k, the bound can be approximated by 1w+k⌈w+kw⌉. Importantly, our lower bound implies that existing schemes are much closer to achieving optimal density than previously known. For example, with the current default minimap2 HiFi settings w = 19 and k = 19, we show that the best known scheme for these parameters, the double decycling-set-based minimizer of Pellow et al. is at most 3% denser than optimal, compared to the previous gap of at most 50%. Furthermore, when k≡1(mod w) and the alphabet size σ goes to ∞, we show that mod-minimizers introduced by Groot Koerkamp and Pibiri achieve optimal density matching our lower bound.

    Availability and implementation

    Minimizer implementations: ILP and analysis:

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