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Title: A usability study on the inGAIT-VSO: effects of a variable-stiffness ankle-foot orthosis on the walking performance of children with cerebral palsy
Abstract Background

Ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) are commonly used by children with cerebral palsy (CP), but traditional solutions are unable to address the heterogeneity and evolving needs amongst children with CP. One key limitation lies in the inability of current passive devices to customize the torque–angle relationship, which is essential to adapt the support to the specific individual needs. Powered alternatives can provide customized behavior, but often face challenges with reliability, weight, and cost. Overall, clinicians find certain barriers that hinder their prescription. In recent work, the Variable Stiffness Orthosis (VSO) was developed, enabling stiffness customization without the need for motors or sophisticated control.


This work evaluates a pediatric version of the VSO (inGAIT-VSO) by investigating its impact on the walking performance of children with CP and its potential to be used as a tool for assessing the effect of variable stiffness on pathological gait. Data was collected for three typical developing (TD) children and six pediatric participants with CP over two sessions involving walking/balance tasks and questionnaires.


The sensors of the inGAIT-VSO provided useful information to assess the impact of the device. Increasing the stiffness of the inGAIT-VSO significantly reduced participants’ dorsiflexion and plantarflexion. Despite reduced range of motion, the peak restoring torque increased with stiffness. Overall the participants’ gait pattern was altered by reducing crouch gait, preventing drop-foot and supporting body weight. Participants with CP exhibited significantly lower (p < 0.05) physiological cost when walking with the inGAIT-VSO compared to normal condition (own AFO or shoes only). Generally, the device did not impair walking and balance of the participants compared to normal conditions. According to the questionnaire results, the inGAIT-VSO was easy to use and participants reported positive experiences.


The inGAIT-VSO stiffnesses significantly affected participants’ plantarflexion and dorsiflexion and yielded objective data regarding walking performance in pathological gait (e.g. ankle angle, exerted torque and restored assistive energy). These effects were captured by the sensors integrated in the device without using external equipment. The inGAIT-VSO shows promise for customizing AFO stiffness and aiding clinicians in selecting a personalized stiffness based on objective metrics.

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Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ; ; ;
Publisher / Repository:
Springer Science + Business Media
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  3. Abstract Background

    Individualized, targeted, and intense training is the hallmark of successful gait rehabilitation in people post-stroke. Specifically, increasing use of the impaired ankle to increase propulsion during the stance phase of gait has been linked to higher walking speeds and symmetry. Conventional progressive resistance training is one method used for individualized and intense rehabilitation, but often fails to target paretic ankle plantarflexion during walking. Wearable assistive robots have successfullyassistedankle-specific mechanisms to increase paretic propulsion in people post-stroke, suggesting their potential to provide targetedresistanceto increase propulsion, but this application remains underexamined in this population. This work investigates the effects of targeted stance-phase plantarflexion resistance training with a soft ankle exosuit on propulsion mechanics in people post-stroke.


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    Targeted exosuit-applied functional resistance of paretic ankle plantarflexors can elicit the latent propulsion reserve in people post-stroke. After-effects observed in propulsion highlight the potential for learning and restoration of propulsion mechanics. Thus, this exosuit-based resistive approach may offer new opportunities for individualized and progressive gait rehabilitation.

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  4. Objective

    This study examined the interaction of gait-synchronized vibrotactile cues with an active ankle exoskeleton that provides plantarflexion assistance.


    An exoskeleton that augments gait may support collaboration through feedback to the user about the state of the exoskeleton or characteristics of the task.


    Participants ( N = 16) were provided combinations of torque assistance and vibrotactile cues at pre-specified time points in late swing and early stance while walking on a self-paced treadmill. Participants were either given explicit instructions ( N = 8) or were allowed to freely interpret (N=8) how to coordinate with cues.


    For the free interpretation group, the data support an 8% increase in stride length and 14% increase in speed with exoskeleton torque across cue timing, as well as a 5% increase in stride length and 7% increase in speed with only vibrotactile cues. When given explicit instructions, participants modulated speed according to cue timing—increasing speed by 17% at cues in late swing and decreasing speed 11% at cues in early stance compared to no cue when exoskeleton torque was off. When torque was on, participants with explicit instructions had reduced changes in speed.


    These findings support that the presence of torque mitigates how cues were used and highlights the importance of explicit instructions for haptic cuing. Interpreting cues while walking with an exoskeleton may increase cognitive load, influencing overall human-exoskeleton performance for novice users.


    Interactions between haptic feedback and exoskeleton use during gait can inform future feedback designs to support coordination between users and exoskeletons.

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  5. Abstract Background

    Ankle-targeting resistance training for improving plantarflexion function during walking increases rehabilitation intensity, an important factor for motor recovery after stroke. However, understanding of the effects of resisting plantarflexion during stance on joint kinetics and muscle activity—key outcomes in evaluating its potential value in rehabilitation—remains limited. This initial study uses a unilateral exosuit that resists plantarflexion during mid-late stance in unimpaired individuals to test the hypotheses that when plantarflexion is resisted, individuals would (1) increase plantarflexor ankle torque and muscle activity locally at the resisted ipsilateral ankle, but (2) at higher forces, exhibit a generalized response that also uses the unresisted joints and limb. Further, we expected (3) short-term retention into gait immediately after removal of resistance.


    Ten healthy young adults walked at 1.25 m s−1for four 10-min discrete bouts, each comprising baseline, exposure to active exosuit-applied resistance, and post-active sections. In each bout, a different force magnitude was applied based on individual baseline ankle torques. The peak resistance torque applied by the exosuit was 0.13 ± 0.01, 0.19 ± 0.01, 0.26 ± 0.02, and 0.32 ± 0.02 N m kg−1, in the LOW, MED, HIGH, and MAX bouts, respectively.


    (1) Across all bouts, participants increased peak ipsilateral biological ankle torque by 0.13–0.25 N m kg−1(p < 0.001) during exosuit-applied resistance compared to corresponding baselines. Additionally, ipsilateral soleus activity during stance increased by 5.4–11.3% (p < 0.05) in all but the LOW bout. (2) In the HIGH and MAX bouts, vertical ground reaction force decreased on the ipsilateral limb while increasing on the contralateral limb (p < 0.01). Secondary analysis found that the force magnitude that maximized increases in biological ankle torque without significant changes in limb loading varied by subject. (3) Finally, peak ipsilateral plantarflexion angle increased significantly during post-exposure in the intermediate HIGH resistance bout (p < 0.05), which corresponded to the greatest average increase in soleus activity (p > 0.10).


    Targeted resistance of ankle plantarflexion during stance by an exosuit consistently increased local ipsilateral plantarflexor effort during active resistance, but force magnitude will be an important parameter to tune for minimizing the involvement of the unresisted joints and limb during training.

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