This content will become publicly available on May 30, 2025
- Award ID(s):
- 2311304
- 10529689
- Publisher / Repository:
- 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
- Date Published:
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Sequential data collection has emerged as a widely adopted technique for enhancing the efficiency of data gathering processes. Despite its advantages, such data collection mechanism often introduces complexities to the statistical inference procedure. For instance, the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator in an adaptive linear regression model can exhibit non-normal asymptotic behavior, posing challenges for accurate inference and interpretation. In this paper, we propose a general method for constructing debiased estimator which remedies this issue. It makes use of the idea of adaptive linear estimating equations, and we establish theoretical guarantees of asymptotic normality, supplemented by discussions on achieving near-optimal asymptotic variance. A salient feature of our estimator is that in the context of multi-armed bandits, our estimator retains the non-asymptotic performance of the least squares estimator while obtaining asymptotic normality property. Consequently, this work helps connect two fruitful paradigms of adaptive inference: a) non-asymptotic inference using concentration inequalities and b) asymptotic inference via asymptotic normality.more » « less
Estimation and inference in statistics pose significant challenges when data are collected adaptively. Even in linear models, the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimator may fail to exhibit asymptotic normality for single coordinate estimation and have inflated error. This issue is highlighted by a recent minimax lower bound, which shows that the error of estimating a single coordinate can be enlarged by a multiple of $\sqrt{d}$ when data are allowed to be arbitrarily adaptive, compared with the case when they are i.i.d. Our work explores this striking difference in estimation performance between utilizing i.i.d. and adaptive data. We investigate how the degree of adaptivity in data collection impacts the performance of estimating a low-dimensional parameter component in high-dimensional linear models. We identify conditions on the data collection mechanism under which the estimation error for a low-dimensional parameter component matches its counterpart in the i.i.d. setting, up to a factor that depends on the degree of adaptivity. We show that OLS or OLS on centered data can achieve this matching error. In addition, we propose a novel estimator for single coordinate inference via solving a Two-stage Adaptive Linear Estimating equation (TALE). Under a weaker form of adaptivity in data collection, we establish an asymptotic normality property of the proposed estimator.more » « less
Summary The paper is concerned with inference for linear models with fixed regressors and weakly dependent stationary time series errors. Theoretically, we obtain asymptotic normality for the M-estimator of the regression parameter under mild conditions and establish a uniform Bahadur representation for recursive M-estimators. Methodologically, we extend the recently proposed self-normalized approach of Shao from stationary time series to the regression set-up, where the sequence of response variables is typically non-stationary in mean. Since the limiting distribution of the self-normalized statistic depends on the design matrix and its corresponding critical values are case dependent, we develop a simulation-based approach to approximate the critical values consistently. Through a simulation study, we demonstrate favourable finite sample performance of our method in comparison with a block-bootstrap-based approach. Empirical illustrations using two real data sets are also provided.
We consider the problem of efficient inference of the Average Treatment Effect in a sequential experiment where the policy governing the assignment of subjects to treatment or control can change over time. We first provide a central limit theorem for the Adaptive Augmented Inverse-Probability Weighted estimator, which is semiparametric efficient, under weaker assumptions than those previously made in the literature. This central limit theorem enables efficient inference at fixed sample sizes. We then consider a sequential inference setting, deriving both asymptotic and nonasymptotic confidence sequences that are considerably tighter than previous methods. These anytime-valid methods enable inference under data-dependent stopping times (sample sizes). Additionally, we use propensity score truncation techniques from the recent off-policy estimation literature to reduce the finite sample variance of our estimator without affecting the asymptotic variance. Empirical results demonstrate that our methods yield narrower confidence sequences than those previously developed in the literature while maintaining time-uniform error control.more » « less
For massive survival data, we propose a subsampling algorithm to efficiently approximate the estimates of regression parameters in the additive hazards model. We establish consistency and asymptotic normality of the subsample‐based estimator given the full data. The optimal subsampling probabilities are obtained via minimizing asymptotic variance of the resulting estimator. The subsample‐based procedure can largely reduce the computational cost compared with the full data method. In numerical simulations, our method has low bias and satisfactory coverage probabilities. We provide an illustrative example on the survival analysis of patients with lymphoma cancer from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program.