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Title: Optical limiter based on PT-symmetry breaking of reflectionless modes

The application of parity–time (PT) symmetry in optics, especially PT-symmetry breaking, has attracted considerable attention as an approach to controlling light propagation. Here, we report optical limiting by two coupled optical cavities with a PT-symmetric spectrum of reflectionless modes. The optical limiting is related to broken PT symmetry due to light-induced changes in one of the cavities. Our experimental implementation involves a three-mirror resonator of alternating layers of ZnS and cryolite with a PT-symmetric spectral degeneracy of two reflectionless modes. The passive optical limiting is demonstrated by measurements of single 532 nm 6 ns laser pulses and thermo-optical simulations. At fluences below 10mJ/cm2, the multilayer exhibits a flattop passband at 532 nm. At higher fluences, laser heating combined with the thermo-optic effect in ZnS leads to cavity detuning and PT-symmetry breaking of the reflectionless modes. As a result, the entire multilayer structure quickly becomes highly reflective, protecting itself from laser-induced damage. The cavity detuning mechanism can differ at much higher limiting thresholds and include nonlinearity.

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Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Publisher / Repository:
Optical Society of America
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Medium: X Size: Article No. 1302
Article No. 1302
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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