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This content will become publicly available on August 15, 2025

Title: Updating the sulcal landscape of the human lateral parieto-occipital junction provides anatomical, functional, and cognitive insights

Recent work has uncovered relationships between evolutionarily new small and shallow cerebral indentations, or sulci, and human behavior. Yet, this relationship remains unexplored in the lateral parietal cortex (LPC) and the lateral parieto-occipital junction (LPOJ). After defining thousands of sulci in a young adult cohort, we revised the previous LPC/LPOJ sulcal landscape to include four previously overlooked, small, shallow, and variable sulci. One of these sulci (ventral supralateral occipital sulcus, slocs-v) is present in nearly every hemisphere and is morphologically, architecturally, and functionally dissociable from neighboring sulci. A data-driven, model-based approach, relating sulcal depth to behavior further revealed that the morphology of only a subset of LPC/LPOJ sulci, including the slocs-v, is related to performance on a spatial orientation task. Our findings build on classic neuroanatomical theories and identify new neuroanatomical targets for future “precision imaging” studies exploring the relationship among brain structure, brain function, and cognitive abilities in individual participants.

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University of California, Berkeley
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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    SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTRecent work has shown that individual differences in neuroanatomical structures (indentations, or sulci) within the lateral PFC are behaviorally meaningful during childhood and adolescence. Here, we describe how specific lateral PFC sulci develop at the level of individual participants for the first time: from both cross-sectional and longitudinal perspectives. Further, we show, also for the first time, that the longitudinal morphologic changes in these structures are behaviorally relevant. These findings lay the foundation for a future avenue to precisely study the development of the cortex and highlight the importance of studying the development of sulci in other cortical expanses and charting how these changes relate to the cognitive abilities those areas support at the level of individual participants.

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