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Title: Distributions of Hook lengths in integer partitions

Motivated by the many roles that hook lengths play in mathematics, we study the distribution of the number oftt-hooks in the partitions ofnn. We prove that the limiting distribution is normal with mean\[μ<#comment/>t(n)∼<#comment/>6nπ<#comment/>−<#comment/>t2\mu _t(n)\sim \frac {\sqrt {6n}}{\pi }-\frac {t}{2}\]and variance\[σ<#comment/>t2(n)∼<#comment/>(π<#comment/>2−<#comment/>6)6n2π<#comment/>3.\sigma _t^2(n)\sim \frac {(\pi ^2-6)\sqrt {6n}}{2\pi ^3}.\]Furthermore, we prove that the distribution of the number of hook lengths that are multiples of a fixedt≥<#comment/>4t\geq 4in partitions ofnnconverge to a shifted Gamma distribution with parameterk=(t−<#comment/>1)/2k=(t-1)/2and scaleθ<#comment/>=2/(t−<#comment/>1)\theta =\sqrt {2/(t-1)}.

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Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ;
Publisher / Repository:
American Mathematical Society (AMS)
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B
Medium: X Size: p. 422-435
p. 422-435
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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