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Title: The JWST Resolved Stellar Populations Early Release Science Program. V. DOLPHOT Stellar Photometry for NIRCam and NIRISS

We present NIRCam and NIRISS modules for DOLPHOT, a widely used crowded-field stellar photometry package. We describe details of the modules including pixel masking, astrometric alignment, star finding, photometry, catalog creation, and artificial star tests. We tested these modules using NIRCam and NIRISS images of M92 (a Milky Way globular cluster), Draco II (an ultrafaint dwarf galaxy), and Wolf–Lundmark–Mellote (a star-forming dwarf galaxy). DOLPHOT’s photometry is highly precise, and the color–magnitude diagrams are deeper and have better definition than anticipated during original program design in 2017. The primary systematic uncertainties in DOLPHOT’s photometry arise from mismatches in the model and observed point-spread functions (PSFs) and aperture corrections, each contributing ≲0.01 mag to the photometric error budget. Version 1.2 of WebbPSF models, which include charge diffusion and interpixel capacitance effects, significantly reduced PSF-related uncertainties. We also observed minor (≲0.05 mag) chip-to-chip variations in NIRCam’s zero-points, which will be addressed by the JWST flux calibration program. Globular cluster observations are crucial for photometric calibration. Temporal variations in the photometry are generally ≲0.01 mag, although rare large misalignment events can introduce errors up to 0.08 mag. We provide recommended DOLPHOT parameters, guidelines for photometric reduction, and advice for improved observing strategies. Our Early Release Science DOLPHOT data products are available on MAST, complemented by comprehensive online documentation and tutorials for using DOLPHOT with JWST imaging data.

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The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
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Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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