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Title: Nonsmooth projection-free optimization with functional constraints

This paper presents a subgradient-based algorithm for constrained nonsmooth convex optimization that does not require projections onto the feasible set. While the well-established Frank–Wolfe algorithm and its variants already avoid projections, they are primarily designed for smooth objective functions. In contrast, our proposed algorithm can handle nonsmooth problems with general convex functional inequality constraints. It achieves an$$\epsilon $$ϵ-suboptimal solution in$$\mathcal {O}(\epsilon ^{-2})$$O(ϵ-2)iterations, with each iteration requiring only a single (potentially inexact) Linear Minimization Oracle call and a (possibly inexact) subgradient computation. This performance is consistent with existing lower bounds. Similar performance is observed when deterministic subgradients are replaced with stochastic subgradients. In the special case where there are no functional inequality constraints, our algorithm competes favorably with a recent nonsmooth projection-free method designed for constraint-free problems. Our approach utilizes a simple separation scheme in conjunction with a new Lagrange multiplier update rule.

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Author(s) / Creator(s):
Publisher / Repository:
Springer Science + Business Media
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Computational Optimization and Applications
Medium: X Size: p. 927-975
p. 927-975
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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