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This content will become publicly available on February 15, 2025

Title: Complete chloroplast genome of the marine red alga Rhodochorton tenue (Rhodochortonaceae, Rhodophyta) from San Juan Island, Washington
We present the complete chloroplast genome sequence of Rhodochorton tenue from San Juan Island, Washington. The chloroplast genome of R. tenue is 192,037 bp in length, contains 244 genes, and is similar in content to Acrochaetium secundatum. Rhodochorton tenue is genetically distinct from Rhodochorton purpureum from the North Atlantic Ocean.  more » « less
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Corporate Creator(s):
Dennehy, John J
Publisher / Repository:
American Society of Microbiology
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Microbiology Resource Announcements
Subject(s) / Keyword(s):
acrochaetiales, chloroplast genome, plastid, rbcL, Rhodochorton purpur eum
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  3. Abstract

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