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Title: Mobilome impacts on physiology in the widely used non-toxic mutant Microcystis aeruginosa PCC 7806 ΔmcyB and toxic wildtype

TheMicrocystismobilome is a well-known but understudied component of this bloom-forming cyanobacterium. Through genomic and transcriptomic comparisons, we found five families of transposases that altered the expression of genes in the well-studied toxigenic type-strain,Microcystis aeruginosaPCC 7086, and a non-toxigenic genetic mutant,Microcystis aeruginosaPCC 7806 ΔmcyB. Since its creation in 1997, the ΔmcyBstrain has been used in comparative physiology studies against the wildtype strain by research labs throughout the world. Some differences in gene expression between what were thought to be otherwise genetically identical strains have appeared due to insertion events in both intra- and intergenic regions. In our ΔmcyBisolate, a sulfate transporter gene cluster (sbp-cysTWA) showed differential expression from the wildtype, which may have been caused by the insertion of a miniature inverted repeat transposable element (MITE) in the sulfate-binding protein gene (sbp). Differences in growth in sulfate-limited media also were also observed between the two isolates. This paper highlights howMicrocystisstrains continue to “evolve” in lab conditions and illustrates the importance of insertion sequences / transposable elements in shaping genomic and physiological differences betweenMicrocystisstrains thought otherwise identical. This study forces the necessity of knowing the complete genetic background of isolates in comparative physiological experiments, to facilitate the correct conclusions (and caveats) from experiments.

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Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ;
Publisher / Repository:
BMC Open access
Date Published:
Journal Name:
BMC Genomics
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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