We analyze the cool gas in and around 14 nearby galaxies (at
Metals in the diffuse, ionized gas at the boundary between the Milky Way’s interstellar medium (ISM) and circumgalactic medium, known as the disk–halo interface (DHI), are valuable tracers of the feedback processes that drive the Galactic fountain. However, metallicity measurements in this region are challenging due to obscuration by the Milky Way ISM and uncertain ionization corrections that affect the total hydrogen column density. In this work, we constrain ionization corrections to neutral hydrogen column densities using precisely measured electron column densities from the dispersion measures of pulsars that lie in the same globular clusters as UV-bright targets with high-resolution absorption spectroscopy. We address the blending of absorption lines with the ISM by jointly fitting Voigt profiles to all absorption components. We present our metallicity estimates for the DHI of the Milky Way based on detailed photoionization modeling of the absorption from ionized metal lines and ionization-corrected total hydrogen columns. Generally, the gas clouds show a large scatter in metallicity, ranging between 0.04 and 3.2
- 10556726
- Publisher / Repository:
- DOI PREFIX: 10.3847
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- The Astrophysical Journal
- Volume:
- 976
- Issue:
- 2
- 0004-637X
- Format(s):
- Medium: X Size: Article No. 222
- Size(s):
- Article No. 222
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract z < 0.1) mapped with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV MaNGA survey by measuring absorption lines produced by gas in spectra of background quasars/active galactic nuclei at impact parameters of 0–25 effective radii from the galactic centers. Using Hubble Space Telescope/Cosmic Origins Spectrograph, we detect absorption at the galactic redshift and measure or constrain column densities of neutral (Hi , Ni , Oi , and Ari ), low-ionization (Siii , Sii , Cii , Nii , and Feii ), and high-ionization (Siiii , Feiii , Nv , and Ovi ) species for 11 galaxies. We derive the ionization parameter and ionization-corrected metallicity usingcloudy photoionization models. The Hi column density ranges from ∼1013to ∼1020cm−2and decreases with impact parameter forr ≳R e . Galaxies with higher stellar mass have weaker Hi absorption. Comparing absorption velocities with MaNGA radial velocity maps of ionized gas line emissions in galactic disks, we find that the neutral gas seen in absorption corotates with the disk out to ∼10R e . Sight lines with lower elevation angles show lower metallicities, consistent with the metallicity gradient in the disk derived from MaNGA maps. Higher-elevation angle sight lines show higher ionization, lower Hi column density, supersolar metallicity, and velocities consistent with the direction of galactic outflow. Our data offer the first detailed comparisons of circumgalactic medium (CGM) properties (kinematics and metallicity) with extrapolations of detailed galaxy maps from integral field spectroscopy; similar studies for larger samples are needed to more fully understand how galaxies interact with their CGM. -
ABSTRACT We present the largest Galactic neutral hydrogen H i absorption survey to date, utilizing the Australian SKA Pathfinder Telescope at an unprecedented spatial resolution of 30 arcsec. This survey, GASKAP-H i, unbiasedly targets 2714 continuum background sources over 250 square degrees in the direction of the Magellanic Clouds, a significant increase compared to a total of 373 sources observed by previous Galactic absorption surveys across the entire Milky Way. We aim to investigate the physical properties of cold (CNM) and warm (WNM) neutral atomic gas in the Milky Way foreground, characterized by two prominent filaments at high Galactic latitudes (between $-45^{\circ }$ and $-25^{\circ }$). We detected strong H i absorption along 462 lines of sight above the 3$\sigma$ threshold, achieving an absorption detection rate of 17 per cent. GASKAP-H i’s unprecedented angular resolution allows for simultaneous absorption and emission measurements to sample almost the same gas clouds along a line of sight. A joint Gaussian decomposition is then applied to absorption-emission spectra to provide direct estimates of H i optical depths, temperatures, and column densities for the CNM and WNM components. The thermal properties of CNM components are consistent with those previously observed along a wide range of Solar neighbourhood environments, indicating that cold H i properties are widely prevalent throughout the local interstellar medium. Across our region of interest, CNM accounts for $\sim$30 per cent of the total H i gas, with the CNM fraction increasing with column density towards the two filaments. Our analysis reveals an anticorrelation between CNM temperature and its optical depth, which implies that CNM with lower optical depth leads to a higher temperature.
null (Ed.)Context. Ionized interstellar gas is an important component of the interstellar medium and its lifecycle. The recent evidence for a widely distributed highly ionized warm interstellar gas with a density intermediate between the warm ionized medium (WIM) and compact H II regions suggests that there is a major gap in our understanding of the interstellar gas. Aims. Our goal is to investigate the properties of the dense WIM in the Milky Way using spectrally resolved SOFIA GREAT [N II ] 205 μm fine-structure lines and Green Bank Telescope hydrogen radio recombination lines (RRL) data, supplemented by spectrally unresolved Herschel PACS [N II ] 122μm data, and spectrally resolved 12 CO. Methods. We observed eight lines of sight (LOS) in the 20° < l < 30° region in the Galactic plane. We analyzed spectrally resolved lines of [N II ] at 205 μm and RRL observations, along with the spectrally unresolved Herschel PACS 122 μm emission, using excitation and radiative transfer models to determine the physical parameters of the dense WIM. We derived the kinetic temperature, as well as the thermal and turbulent velocity dispersions from the [N II ] and RRL linewidths. Results. The regions with [N II ] 205 μm emission are characterized by electron densities, n ( e ) ~ 10−35 cm −3 , temperatures range from 3400 to 8500 K, and nitrogen column densities N(N + ) ~ 7 × 10 16 to 3 × 10 17 cm −2 . The ionized hydrogen column densities range from 6 × 10 20 to 1.7 × 10 21 cm −2 and the fractional nitrogen ion abundance x (N + ) ~ 1.1 × 10 −4 to 3.0 × 10 −4 , implying an enhanced nitrogen abundance at a distance ~4.3 kpc from the Galactic Center. The [N II ] 205 μm emission lines coincide with CO emission, although often with an offset in velocity, which suggests that the dense warm ionized gas is located in, or near, star-forming regions, which themselves are associated with molecular gas. Conclusions. These dense ionized regions are found to contribute ≳50% of the observed [C II ] intensity along these LOS. The kinetic temperatures we derive are too low to explain the presence of N + resulting from electron collisional ionization and/or proton charge transfer of atomic nitrogen. Rather, these regions most likely are ionized by extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation from nearby star-forming regions or as a result of EUV leakage through a clumpy and porous interstellar medium.more » « less
Abstract We present the design and first results of the inner circumgalactic medium (CGM) of QSO line-of-sight emitting galaxies at
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Abstract We use a suite of hydrodynamics simulations of the interstellar medium (ISM) within a galactic disk, which includes radiative transfer, a nonequilibrium model of molecular hydrogen, and a realistic model for star formation and feedback, to study the structure of the ISM and H2abundance as a function of local ISM properties. We show that the star formation rate and structure of the ISM are sensitive to the metallicity of the gas with a progressively smoother density distribution with decreasing metallicity. In addition to the well-known trend of the H
I– H2 transition shifting to higher densities with decreasing metallicity, the maximum achieved molecular fraction in the ISM drops drastically atZ ≲ 0.2Z ⊙as the formation time of H2becomes much longer than a typical lifetime of dense regions of the ISM. We present accurate fitting formulae for both volumetric and projected measured on different scales as a function of gas metallicity, UV radiation field, and gas density. We show that when the formulae are applied to the patches in the simulated galaxy, the overall molecular gas mass is reproduced to better than a factor of ≲1.5 across the entire range of metallicities and scales. We also show that the presented fit is considerably more accurate than any of the previous models and fitting formulae in the low-metallicity regime. The fit can thus be used for modeling molecular gas in low-resolution simulations and semi-analytic models of galaxy formation in the dwarf and high-redshift regimes.