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Creators/Authors contains: "Abu-Haifa, Mohammad"

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  1. A painting, like human skin, develops cracks on the surface as it dries and ages. The painting cracks, also known as craquelure, are often considered analogous to human fingerprints; these have been regarded as a unique signature reflective of the painting’s characteristics and are important in art authentication. Intriguingly, studies in other fields, such as geology, have observed the presence of distinctive characteristics in soil desiccation cracks. These cracks exhibit self-similarity, forming patterns that suggest broader geological processes at work. In light of this connection, the primary objective of this study is to investigate whether the painting cracks also exhibit a self-similar nature. By delving into this, we seek to shed light on the underlying properties of the painting cracks. This study also aims to investigate whether the characteristic self-similar trait of the cracks can serve as an identifier in relation to the provenances of the paintings. To this end, this study adopts the methodology originally designed to characterize the phenotypic traits of 3D particle geometries in granular materials research. This study develops a 2D equivalent concept, focusing on the phenotypic traits of the individual islands enclosed by cracks within paintings. The results successfully demonstrate that the phenotypic trait of painting cracks exhibits a self-similar nature, which can reveal characteristics associated with the provenances of paintings. The findings will offer valuable insights into the scientific examination of artworks based on painting cracks. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 7, 2025