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null (Ed.)Abstract A spectral analysis of Great Plains 850-hPa meridional winds (V850) from ECMWF’s coupled climate reanalysis of 1901-2010 (CERA-20C) reveals that their warm season (April-September) interannual variability peaks in May with 2-6 year periodicity, suggestive of an underlying teleconnection influence on low-level jets (LLJs). Using an objective, dynamical jet classification framework based on 500-hPa wave activity, we pursue a large scale teleconnection hypothesis separately for LLJs that are uncoupled (LLJUC) and coupled (LLJC) to the upper-level jet stream. Differentiating between jet types enables isolation of their respective sources of variability. In the South Central Plains (SCP), May LLJCs account for nearly 1.6 times more precipitation and 1.5 times greater V850 compared to LLJUCs. Composite analyses of May 250-hPa geopotential height (Z250) conditioned on LLJC and LLJUC frequencies highlight a distinct planetary-scale Rossby wave pattern with wavenumber-five, indicative of an underlying Circumglobal Teleconnection (CGT). An index of May CGT is found to be significantly correlated with both LLJC ( r = 0.62) and LLJUC ( r = −0.48) frequencies. Additionally, a significant correlation is found between May LLJUC frequency and NAO ( r = 0.33). Further analyses expose decadal scale variations in the CGT-LLJC(LLJUC) teleconnection that are linked to the PDO. Dynamically, these large scale teleconnections impact LLJ class frequency and intensity via upper-level geopotential anomalies over the western U.S. that modulate near-surface geopotential and temperature gradients across the SCP.more » « less
null (Ed.)Abstract In the context of forecasting societally impactful Great Plains low-level jets (GPLLJs), the potential added value of satellite soil moisture (SM) data assimilation (DA) is high. GPLLJs are both sensitive to regional soil moisture gradients and frequent drivers of severe weather, including mesoscale convective systems. An untested hypothesis is that SM DA is more effective in forecasts of weakly synoptically forced, or uncoupled GPLLJs, than in forecasts of cyclone-induced coupled GPLLJs. Using the NASA Unified Weather Research and Forecasting (NU-WRF) Model, 75 GPLLJs are simulated at 9-km resolution both with and without NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive SM DA. Differences in modeled SM, surface sensible (SH) and latent heat (LH) fluxes, 2-m temperature (T2), 2-m humidity (Q2), PBL height (PBLH), and 850-hPa wind speed (W850) are quantified for individual jets and jet-type event subsets over the south-central Great Plains, as well as separately for each GPLLJ sector (entrance, core, and exit). At the GPLLJ core, DA-related changes of up to 5.4 kg m −2 in SM can result in T2, Q2, LH, SH, PBLH, and W850 differences of 0.68°C, 0.71 g kg −2 , 59.9 W m −2 , 52.4 W m −2 , 240 m, and 4 m s −1 , respectively. W850 differences focus along the jet axis and tend to increase from south to north. Jet-type differences are most evident at the GPLLJ exit where DA increases and decreases W850 in uncoupled and coupled GPLLJs, respectively. Data assimilation marginally reduces negative wind speed bias for all jets, but the correction is greater for uncoupled GPLLJs, as hypothesized.more » « less