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In this paper, we focus on the parallel communication cost of multiplying a matrix with its transpose, known as a symmetric rank-k update (SYRK). SYRK requires half the computation of general matrix multiplication because of the symmetry of the output matrix. Recent work (Beaumont et al., SPAA '22) has demonstrated that the sequential I/O complexity of SYRK is also a constant factor smaller than that of general matrix multiplication. Inspired by this progress, we establish memory-independent parallel communication lower bounds for SYRK with smaller constants than general matrix multiplication, and we show that these constants are tight by presenting communication-optimal algorithms. The crux of the lower bound proof relies on extending a key geometric inequality to symmetric computations and analytically solving a constrained nonlinear optimization problem. The optimal algorithms use a triangular blocking scheme for parallel distribution of the symmetric output matrix and corresponding computation.more » « less
Communication lower bounds have long been established for matrix multiplication algorithms. However, most methods of asymptotic analysis have either ignored the constant factors or not obtained the tightest possible values. Recent work has demonstrated that more careful analysis improves the best known constants for some classical matrix multiplication lower bounds and helps to identify more efficient algorithms that match the leading-order terms in the lower bounds exactly and improve practical performance. The main result of this work is the establishment of memory-independent communication lower bounds with tight constants for parallel matrix multiplication. Our constants improve on previous work in each of three cases that depend on the relative sizes of the aspect ratios of the matrices.more » « less