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Creators/Authors contains: "Almodovar, Jorge"

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  1. Human mesenchymal stromal cells (hMSCs) are multipotent cells that have been proposed for the treatment of immune-mediated diseases. Culturing hMSCs on tissue culture plastic reduces their therapeutic potential in part due to the lack of extracellular matrix components. The aim of this study is to evaluate multilayers of heparin and poly(L-lysine) (HEP/PLL) as a bioactive surface for hMSCs stimulated with soluble interferon gamma (IFN‐γ). Multilayers were formed, via layer-by-layer assembly, with HEP as the final layer and supplemented with IFN-γ in the culture medium. Multilayer construction and chemistry were confirmed using Azure A staining, quartz crystal microbalance (QCM), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. hMSCs adhesion, viability, and differentiation, were assessed. Results showed that (HEP/PLL) multilayer coatings were poorly adhesive for hMSCs. However, performing chemical crosslinking using 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide and N-hydroxysuccinimide (EDC/NHS) significantly enhanced hMSCs adhesion and viability. The immunosuppressive properties of hMSCs cultured on crosslinked (HEP/PLL) multilayers were confirmed by measuring the level of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) secretion. Lastly, hMSCs cultured on crosslinked (HEP/PLL) multilayers in the presence of soluble IFN- γ successfully differentiated towards the osteogenic and adipogenic lineages as confirmed by Alizarin red, and oil-red O staining, as well as alkaline phosphatase activity. This study suggests that crosslinked (HEP/PLL) films can modulate hMSCs response to soluble factors, which may improve hMSCs-based therapies aimed at treating several immune diseases. 
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  2. Abstract

    In this study, layer‐by‐layer coatings composed of heparin and collagen are proposed as an extracellular mimetic environment on nerve guide conduits (NGC) to modulate the behavior of Schwann cells (hSCs). The authors evaluated the stability, degradation over time, and bioactivity of six bilayers of heparin/collagen layer‐by‐layer coatings, denoted as (HEP/COL)6. The stability study reveals that (HEP/COL)6is stable after incubating the coatings in cell media for up to 21 days. The impact of (HEP/COL)6on hSCs viability, protein expression, and migration is evaluated. These assays show that hSCs cultured in (HEP/COL)6have enhanced protein expression and migration. This condition increases the expression of neurotrophic and immunomodulatory factors up to 1.5‐fold compared to controls, and hSCs migrated 1.34 times faster than in the uncoated surfaces. Finally, (HEP/COL)6is also applied to a commercial collagen‐based NGC, NeuraGen, and hSC viability and adhesion are studied after 6 days of culture. The morphology of NeuraGen is not altered by the presence of (HEP/COL)6and a nearly 170% increase of the cell viability is observed in the condition where NeuraGen is used with (HEP/COL)6. Additionally, cell adhesion on the coated samples is successfully demonstrated. This work demonstrates the reparative enhancing potential of extracellular mimetic coatings.

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  3. Forward osmosis (FO) is an important desalination method to produce potable water. It was also used to treat different wastewater streams, including industrial as well as municipal wastewater. Though FO is environmentally benign, energy intensive, and highly efficient; it still suffers from four types of fouling namely: organic fouling, inorganic scaling, biofouling and colloidal fouling or a combination of these types of fouling. Membrane fouling may require simple shear force and physical cleaning for sufficient recovery of membrane performance. Severe fouling may need chemical cleaning, especially when a slimy biofilm or severe microbial colony is formed. Modification of FO membrane through introducing zwitterionic moieties on the membrane surface has been proven to enhance antifouling property. In addition, it could also significantly improve the separation efficiency and longevity of the membrane. Zwitterion moieties can also incorporate in draw solution as electrolytes in FO process. It could be in a form of a monomer or a polymer. Hence, this review comprehensively discussed several methods of inclusion of zwitterionic moieties in FO membrane. These methods include atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP); second interfacial polymerization (SIP); coating and in situ formation. Furthermore, an attempt was made to understand the mechanism of improvement in FO performance by zwitterionic moieties. Finally, the future prospective of the application of zwitterions in FO has been discussed. 
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  4. null (Ed.)
    Simultaneous fouling and pore wetting of the membrane during membrane distillation (MD) is a major concern. In this work, an electrospun bilayer membrane for enhancing fouling and wetting resistance has been developed for treating hydraulic fracture-produced water (PW) by MD. These PWs can contain over 200,000 ppm total dissolved solids, organic compounds and surfactants. The membrane consists of an omniphobic surface that faces the permeate stream and a hydrophilic surface that faces the feed stream. The omniphobic surface was decorated by growing nanoparticles, followed by silanization to lower the surface energy. An epoxied zwitterionic polymer was grafted onto the membrane surface that faces the feed stream to form a tight antifouling hydration layer. The membrane was challenged with an aqueous NaCl solution containing sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), an ampholyte and crude oil. In the presence of SDS and crude oil, the membrane was stable and displayed salt rejection (>99.9%). Further, the decrease was much less than the base polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) electrospun membrane. The membranes were also challenged with actual PW. Our results highlight the importance of tuning the properties of the membrane surface that faces the feed and permeate streams in order to maximize membrane stability, flux and salt rejection. 
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  5. null (Ed.)
  6. null (Ed.)
    In the textile industry, a high-efficiency dye removal and low-retention of salt is demanded for recycling wastewater. In this study, polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) ultrafiltration membrane was transformed to a negatively charged loose nanofiltration (NF) membrane through UV-grafting of acrylic acid. At the optimal exposure of PVDF membrane in UV light for 5 min, the membrane had a high dye recovery above 99% (Congo red and Eriochrome® Black T) and a low sodium chloride (NaCl) rejection of less than 15% along with pure water flux of 26 L∙m−2∙h−1∙bar−1. Its antifouling and oleophobicity surface properties were verified using fluorescent- bovine serum albumin (BSA) and underwater mineral oil contact angle, respectively. According to the fluorescent microscopic images, the modified membrane had ten times lower adhesion of protein on the surface than the unmodified membrane. The underwater oil contact angle was raised from 110° to 155°. Moreover, the salt rejection followed this sequence: Na2SO4 > MgSO4 > NaCl > MgCl2, which agreed with the typical negatively charged NF membrane. In addition, the physicochemical characterization of membranes was further investigated to understand and link to the membrane performance, such as surface functional group, surface elements analysis, surface roughness/morphology, and surface hydrophilicity. 
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