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  1. Multi-omics has the promise to provide a detailed molecular picture of biological systems. Although obtaining multi-omics data is relatively easy, methods that analyze such data have been lagging. In this paper, we present an algorithm that uses probabilistic graph representations and external knowledge to perform optimal structure learning and deduce a multifarious interaction network for multi-omics data from a bacterial community. Kefir grain, a microbial community that ferments milk and creates kefir, represents a self-renewing, stable, natural microbial community. Kefir has been shown to have a wide range of health benefits. We obtained a controlled bacterial community using the two most abundant and well-studied species in kefir grains: Lentilactobacillus kefiri and Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens. We applied growth temperatures of 30 °C and 37 °C and obtained transcriptomic, metabolomic, and proteomic data for the same 20 samples (10 samples per temperature). We obtained a multi-omics interaction network, which generated insights that would not have been possible with single-omics analysis. We identified interactions among transcripts, proteins, and metabolites, suggesting active toxin/antitoxin systems. We also observed multifarious interactions that involved the shikimate pathway. These observations helped explain bacterial adaptation to different stress conditions, co-aggregation, and increased activation of L. kefiranofaciens at 37 °C. 
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  2. Viruses face many challenges on their road to successful replication, and they meet those challenges by reprogramming the intracellular environment. Two major issues challenging Paramecium bursaria chlorella virus 1 (PBCV-1, genus Chlorovirus, family Phycodnaviridae) at the level of DNA replication are (i) the host cell has a DNA G+C content of 66%, while the virus is 40%; and (ii) the initial quantity of DNA in the haploid host cell is approximately 50 fg, yet the virus will make approximately 350 fg of DNA within hours of infection to produce approximately 1000 virions per cell. Thus, the quality and quantity of DNA (and RNA) would seem to restrict replication efficiency, with the looming problem of viral DNA synthesis beginning in only 60–90 min. Our analysis includes (i) genomics and functional annotation to determine gene augmentation and complementation of the nucleotide biosynthesis pathway by the virus, (ii) transcriptional profiling of these genes, and (iii) metabolomics of nucleotide intermediates. The studies indicate that PBCV-1 reprograms the pyrimidine biosynthesis pathway to rebalance the intracellular nucleotide pools both qualitatively and quantitatively, prior to viral DNA amplification, and reflects the genomes of the progeny virus, providing a successful road to virus infection. 
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  3. Abstract Background

    Access to biologically available nitrogen is a key constraint on plant growth in both natural and agricultural settings. Variation in tolerance to nitrogen deficit stress and productivity in nitrogen limited conditions exists both within and between plant species. However, our understanding of changes in different phenotypes under long term low nitrogen stress and their impact on important agronomic traits, such as yield, is still limited.


    Here we quantified variation in the metabolic, physiological, and morphological responses of a sorghum association panel assembled to represent global genetic diversity to long term, nitrogen deficit stress and the relationship of these responses to grain yield under both conditions. Grain yield exhibits substantial genotype by environment interaction while many other morphological and physiological traits exhibited consistent responses to nitrogen stress across the population. Large scale nontargeted metabolic profiling for a subset of lines in both conditions identified a range of metabolic responses to long term nitrogen deficit stress. Several metabolites were associated with yield under high and low nitrogen conditions.


    Our results highlight that grain yield in sorghum, unlike many morpho-physiological traits, exhibits substantial variability of genotype specific responses to long term low severity nitrogen deficit stress. Metabolic response to long term nitrogen stress shown higher proportion of variability explained by genotype specific responses than did morpho-pysiological traits and several metabolites were correlated with yield. This suggest, that it might be possible to build predictive models using metabolite abundance to estimate which sorghum genotypes will exhibit greater or lesser decreases in yield in response to nitrogen deficit, however further research needs to be done to evaluate such model.

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  4. Abstract Background

    Although there have been numerous studies describing plant growth systems for root exudate collection, a common limitation is that these systems require disruption of the plant root system to facilitate exudate collection. Here, we present a newly designed semi-hydroponic system that uses glass beads as solid support to simulate soil impedance, which combined with drip irrigation, facilitates growth of healthy maize plants, collection and analysis of root exudates, and phenotyping of the roots with minimal growth disturbance or root damage.


    This system was used to collect root exudates from seven maize genotypes using water or 1 mM CaCl2, and to measure root phenotype data using standard methods and the Digital imaging of root traits (DIRT) software. LC–MS/MS (Liquid Chromatography—Tandem Mass Spectrometry) and GC–MS (Gas Chromatography—Mass Spectrometry) targeted metabolomics platforms were used to detect and quantify metabolites in the root exudates. Phytohormones, some of which are reported in maize root exudates for the first time, the benzoxazinoid DIMBOA (2,4-Dihydroxy-7-methoxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one), amino acids, and sugars were detected and quantified. After validating the methodology using known concentrations of standards for the targeted compounds, we found that the choice of the exudate collection solution affected the exudation and analysis of a subset of analyzed metabolites. No differences between collection in water or CaCl2were found for phytohormones and sugars. In contrast, the amino acids were more concentrated when water was used as the exudate collection solution. The collection in CaCl2required a clean-up step before MS analysis which was found to interfere with the detection of a subset of the amino acids. Finally, using the phenotypic measurements and the metabolite data, significant differences between genotypes were found and correlations between metabolites and phenotypic traits were identified.


    A new plant growth system combining glass beads supported hydroponics with semi-automated drip irrigation of sterile solutions was implemented to grow maize plants and collect root exudates without disturbing or damaging the roots. The validated targeted exudate metabolomics platform combined with root phenotyping provides a powerful tool to link plant root and exudate phenotypes to genotype and study the natural variation of plant populations.

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  5. Abstract

    Root exudates are important for shaping root-associated microbiomes. However, studies on a wider range of metabolites in exudates are required for a comprehensive understanding about their influence on microbial communities. We identified maize inbred lines that differ in exudate concentrations of 2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one (DIMBOA) and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) using a semi-hydroponic system. These lines were grown in the field to determine the changes in microbial diversity and gene expression due to varying concentrations of DIMBOA and GABA in exudates using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing and metatranscriptomics. Results showed individual and interaction effects of DIMBOA and GABA on the rhizosphere and root endosphere β-diversity, most strongly at the V10 growth stage. The main bacterial families affected by both compounds were Ktedonobacteraceae and Xanthomonadaceae. Higher concentrations of DIMBOA in exudates affected the rhizosphere metatranscriptome, enriching for metabolic pathways associated with plant disease. This study validated the use of natural variation within plant species as a powerful approach for understanding the role of root exudates on microbiome selection. We also showed that a semi-hydroponic system can be used to identify maize genotypes that differ in GABA and DIMBOA exudate concentrations under field conditions. The impact of GABA exudation on root-associated microbiomes is shown for the first time.

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  6. Braeutigam, Andrea (Ed.)
    Abstract Opaque kernels in maize may result from mutations in many genes, such as OPAQUE-2. In this study, a maize null mutant of RNA-DIRECTED DNA METHYLATION 4 (RDM4) showed an opaque kernel phenotype, as well as plant developmental delay, male sterility, and altered response to cold stress. We found that in opaque kernels, all zein proteins were reduced and amino acid content was changed, including increased lysine. Transcriptomic and proteomic analysis confirmed the zein reduction and proteomic rebalancing of non-zein proteins, which was quantitatively and qualitatively different from opaque-2. Global transcriptional changes were found in endosperm and leaf, including many transcription factors and tissue-specific expressed genes. Furthermore, of the more than 8000 significantly differentially expressed genes in wild type in response to cold, a significant proportion (25.9% in moderate cold stress and 40.8% in near freezing stress) were not differentially expressed in response to cold in rdm4, suggesting RDM4 may participate in regulation of abiotic stress tolerance. This initial characterization of maize RDM4 provides a basis for further investigating its function in endosperm and leaf, and as a regulator of normal and stress-responsive development. 
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  7. Abstract Switchgrass ( Panicum virgatum L.) is an important crop for biofuel production but it also serves as host for greenbugs ( Schizaphis graminum Rondani; GB). Although transcriptomic studies have been done to infer the molecular mechanisms of plant defense against GB, little is known about the effect of GB infestation on the switchgrass protein expression and phosphorylation regulation. The global response of the switchgrass cultivar Summer proteome and phosphoproteome was monitored by label-free proteomics shotgun in GB-infested and uninfested control plants at 10 days post infestation. Peptides matching a total of 3,594 proteins were identified and 429 were differentially expressed proteins in GB-infested plants relative to uninfested control plants. Among these, 291 and 138 were up and downregulated by GB infestation, respectively. Phosphoproteome analysis identified 310 differentially phosphorylated proteins (DP) from 350 phosphopeptides with a total of 399 phosphorylated sites. These phosphopeptides had more serine phosphorylated residues (79%), compared to threonine phosphorylated sites (21%). Overall, KEGG pathway analysis revealed that GB feeding led to the enriched accumulation of proteins important for biosynthesis of plant defense secondary metabolites and repressed the accumulation of proteins involved in photosynthesis. Interestingly, defense modulators such as terpene synthase, papain-like cysteine protease, serine carboxypeptidase, and lipoxygenase2 were upregulated at the proteome level, corroborating previously published transcriptomic data. 
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  8. Abstract

    Plant responses to the environment are shaped by external stimuli and internal signaling pathways. In both the model plantArabidopsis thaliana(Arabidopsis) and crop species, circadian clock factors are critical for growth, flowering, and circadian rhythms. Outside ofArabidopsis,however, little is known about the molecular function of clock gene products. Therefore, we sought to compare the function ofBrachypodium distachyon(Brachypodium) andSetaria viridis(Setaria) orthologs ofEARLY FLOWERING3,a key clock gene inArabidopsis. To identify both cycling genes and putativeELF3functional orthologs inSetaria, a circadianRNA‐seq dataset and online query tool (Diel Explorer) were generated to explore expression profiles ofSetariagenes under circadian conditions. The function ofELF3orthologs fromArabidopsis, Brachypodium,andSetariawas tested for complementation of anelf3mutation inArabidopsis. We find that both monocot orthologs were capable of rescuing hypocotyl elongation, flowering time, and arrhythmic clock phenotypes. Using affinity purification and mass spectrometry, our data indicate that BdELF3 and SvELF3 could be integrated into similar complexesin vivoas AtELF3. Thus, we find that, despite 180 million years of separation,BdELF3andSvELF3can functionally complement loss ofELF3at the molecular and physiological level.

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