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The vast chemical space of emerging semiconductors, like metal halide perovskites, and their varied requirements for semiconductor applications have rendered trial-and-error environmentally unsustainable. In this work, we demonstrate RoboMapper, a materials acceleration platform (MAP), that achieves 10-fold research acceleration by formulating and palletizing semiconductors on a chip, thereby allowing high-throughput (HT) measurements to generate quantitative structure-property relationships (QSPRs) considerably more efficiently and sustainably. We leverage the RoboMapper to construct QSPR maps for the mixed ion FA 1-y Cs y Pb(I 1-x Br x ) 3 halide perovskite in terms of structure, bandgap, and photostability with respect to its composition. We identify wide-bandgap alloys suitable for perovskite-Si hybrid tandem solar cells exhibiting a pure cubic perovskite phase with favorable defect chemistry while achieving superior stability at the target bandgap of 1.7 eV. RoboMapper’s palletization strategy reduces environmental impacts of data generation in materials research by more than an order of magnitude, paving the way for sustainable data-driven materials research.more » « less
Abstract Hybrid magnonic systems are a newcomer for pursuing coherent information processing owing to their rich quantum engineering functionalities. One prototypical example is hybrid magnonics in antiferromagnets with an easy-plane anisotropy that resembles a quantum-mechanically mixed two-level spin system through the coupling of acoustic and optical magnons. Generally, the coupling between these orthogonal modes is forbidden due to their opposite parity. Here we show that the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya-Interaction (DMI), a chiral antisymmetric interaction that occurs in magnetic systems with low symmetry, can lift this restriction. We report that layered hybrid perovskite antiferromagnets with an interlayer DMI can lead to a strong intrinsic magnon-magnon coupling strength up to 0.24 GHz, which is four times greater than the dissipation rates of the acoustic/optical modes. Our work shows that the DMI in these hybrid antiferromagnets holds promise for leveraging magnon-magnon coupling by harnessing symmetry breaking in a highly tunable, solution-processable layered magnetic platform.
Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) consisting of interfacial two- and three-dimensional heterostructures that incorporate ammonium ligand intercalation have enabled rapid progress toward the goal of uniting performance with stability. However, as the field continues to seek ever-higher durability, additional tools that avoid progressive ligand intercalation are needed to minimize degradation at high temperatures. We used ammonium ligands that are nonreactive with the bulk of perovskites and investigated a library that varies ligand molecular structure systematically. We found that fluorinated aniliniums offer interfacial passivation and simultaneously minimize reactivity with perovskites. Using this approach, we report a certified quasi–steady-state power-conversion efficiency of 24.09% for inverted-structure PSCs. In an encapsulated device operating at 85°C and 50% relative humidity, we document a 1560-hourmore » « less
T 85at maximum power point under 1-sun illumination. -
null (Ed.)Organic electronics technologies have attracted considerable interest over the last few decades and have become promising alternatives to conventional, inorganic platforms for specific applications. To fully exploit the touted potential of plastic electronics, however, other prerequisites than only electronic functions need to be fulfiled, including good mechanical stability, ease of processing and high device reliability. A possible method to overcome these issues is the employment of insulating:semiconducting polymer blends, which have been demonstrated to display favourable rheological and mechanical properties, generally provided by the insulating component, without negatively affecting the optoelectronic performance of the semiconductor. Here, we demonstrate that binary blends comprising the semicrystalline high-density polyethylene (HDPE) in combination with hole- and electron-transporting organic semiconductors allow fabrication of p-type and n-type thin-film transistors of notably improved device stability and, in some scenarios, improved device performance. We observe, for example, considerably lower subthreshold slopes and drastically reduced bias-stress effects in devices fabricated with a hole-transporting diketopyrrolopyrrole polymer derivative when blended with HDPE and significantly enhanced charge-carrier mobilities and shelf life in case of transistors made with blends between HDPE and the electron-transporting poly{[ N , N ′-bis(2-octyldodecyl)-naphthalene-1,4,5,8-bis(dicarboximide)2,6-diyl]- alt -5,5′-(2,2′-bithiophene)}, i.e. P(NDI2OD-T2), also known as N2200, compared to the neat material, highlighting the broad, versatile benefits blending semiconducting species with a semicrystalline commodity polymer can have.more » « less
Abstract The emergence of hybrid metal halides (HMH) materials, such as the archetypal CH3NH3PbBr3, provides an appealing material platform for solution-processed spintronic applications due to properties such as unprecedented large Rashba spin-splitting states and highly efficient spin-to-charge (StC) conversion efficiencies. Here we report the first study of StC conversion and spin relaxation time in MAPbBr3single crystals at room temperature using a spin pumping approach. Microwave frequency and power dependence of StC responses are both consistent with the spin pumping model, from which an inverse Rashba–Edelstein effect coherence length of up to ∼30 picometer is obtained, highlighting a good StC conversion efficiency. The magnetic field angular dependence of StC is investigated and can be well-explained by the spin precession model under oblique magnetic field. A long spin relaxation time of up to ∼190 picoseconds is obtained, which can be attributed to the surface Rashba state formed at the MAPbBr3interface. Our oblique Hanle effect by FMR-driven spin pumping technique provides a reliable and sensitive tool for measuring the spin relaxation time in various solution processed HMH single crystals.