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Creators/Authors contains: "Andales, Hillary Diane"

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    We present a detailed chemical abundance and kinematic analysis of six extremely metal-poor (−4.2 ≤ [Fe/H] ≤−2.9) halo stars with very low neutron-capture abundances ([Sr/H] and [Ba/H]) based on high-resolution Magellan/MIKE spectra. Three of our stars have [Sr/Ba] and [Sr/H] ratios that resemble those of metal-poor stars in ultra-faint dwarf galaxies (UFDs). Since early UFDs may be the building blocks of the Milky Way, extremely metal-poor halo stars with low, UFD-like Sr and Ba abundances may thus be ancient stars from the earliest small galactic systems that were accreted by the proto-Milky Way. We label these objects as Small Accreted Stellar System (SASS) stars, and we find an additional 61 similar ones in the literature. A kinematic analysis of our sample and literature stars reveals them to be fast-moving halo objects, all with retrograde motion, indicating an accretion origin. Because SASS stars are much brighter than typical UFD stars, identifying them offers promising ways towards detailed studies of early star formation environments. From the chemical abundances of SASS stars, it appears that the earliest accreted systems were likely enriched by a few supernovae whose light element yields varied from system to system. Neutron-capture elements were sparsely produced and/or diluted, with r-process nucleosynthesis playing a role. These insights offer a glimpse into the early formation of the Galaxy. Using neutron-capture elements as a distinguishing criterion for early formation, we have access to a unique metal-poor population that consists of the oldest stars in the universe.

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  2. Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 1, 2025
  3. Abstract

    The Milky Way has accreted many ultra-faint dwarf galaxies (UFDs), and stars from these galaxies can be found throughout our Galaxy today. Studying these stars provides insight into galaxy formation and early chemical enrichment, but identifying them is difficult. Clustering stellar dynamics in 4D phase space (E,Lz,Jr,Jz) is one method of identifying accreted structure that is currently being utilized in the search for accreted UFDs. We produce 32 simulated stellar halos using particle tagging with the Caterpillar simulation suite and thoroughly test the abilities of different clustering algorithms to recover tidally disrupted UFD remnants. We perform over 10,000 clustering runs, testing seven clustering algorithms, roughly twenty hyperparameter choices per algorithm, and six different types of data sets each with up to 32 simulated samples. Of the seven algorithms, HDBSCAN most consistently balances UFD recovery rates and cluster realness rates. We find that, even in highly idealized cases, the vast majority of clusters found by clustering algorithms do not correspond to real accreted UFD remnants and we can generally only recover 6% of UFDs remnants at best. These results focus exclusively on groups of stars from UFDs, which have weak dynamic signatures compared to the background of other stars. The recoverable UFD remnants are those that accreted recently,zaccretion≲ 0.5. Based on these results, we make recommendations to help guide the search for dynamically linked clusters of UFD stars in observational data. We find that real clusters generally have higher median energy andJr, providing a way to help identify real versus fake clusters. We also recommend incorporating chemical tagging as a way to improve clustering results.

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