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Creators/Authors contains: "Anderson, Robert"

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  1. This dataset describes the chemical composition of water samples collected from the Canning River, Alaska from 2021-2024. Samples were collected from various locations throughout the catchment, spanning the headwaters in the Brooks Range to the coastal plain near the Beaufort Sea. The purpose of these data are to understand the spatial and temporal patterns of water chemistry changes as they are related to chemical weathering, organic carbon mobilization, and permafrost processes. 
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  2. Even though neighborhoods are built for people, lots of wild animals also call these places home. You might have seen a squirrel, a fox, or a deer munching on your garden or running down your street. Living near people gives some animals food and places to live, but it can also cause problems for both animals and people. Sometimes people do not agree about what to do about the animals that live near them. We were curious about how people and wild animals live together and decided to investigate. We studied how people make decisions about deer in the suburbs of Massachusetts, where some people think there are too many deer and others are not so sure. We discovered that people often disagree, and politics matters. Paying attention to this disagreement can help people work together and make choices that let wild animals and people to live together with fewer problems.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 10, 2025
  3. Beddoe, Riley ; Karunaratne, Kumari (Ed.)
    Permafrost holds more than twice the amount of carbon currently in the atmosphere, but this large carbon reservoir is vulnerable to thaw and erosion under a rapidly changing Arctic climate. Convective storms are becoming increasingly common during Arctic summers and can amplify runoff and erosion. These extreme events, in concert with active layer deepening, may accelerate carbon loss from the Arctic landscape. However, we lack measurements of carbon fluxes during these events. Rivers are sensitive to physical, chemical, and hydrological perturbations, and thus are excellent systems for studying landscape responses to thunderstorms. We present observations from the Canning River, Alaska, which drains the northern Brooks Range and flows across a continuous permafrost landscape to the Beaufort Sea. During summer 2022 and 2023 field campaigns, we opportunistically monitored river discharge, sediment, and organic carbon fluxes during several thunderstorms. During one notable storm, river discharge nearly doubled from ~130 m3/s to ~240 m3/s, suspended sediment flux increased 70-fold, and the particulate organic carbon (POC) flux increased 90-fold relative to non-storm conditions. Taken together, the river exported ~16 metric tons of POC over one hour of this sustained event, not including the additional flux of woody debris. Furthermore, the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) flux nearly doubled. Although these thunderstorm-driven fluxes are short-lived (hours to days), they play an outsized role in exporting organic carbon from Arctic rivers. Understanding how these extreme events impact river water, sediment, and carbon dynamics will help predict how Arctic climate change will modify the global carbon cycle. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 16, 2025
  4. Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 1, 2025
  5. Species distribution models, also known as ecological niche models or habitat suitability models, have become commonplace for addressing fundamental and applied biodiversity questions. Although the field has progressed rapidly regarding theory and implementation, key assumptions are still frequently violated and recommendations inadvertently overlooked. This leads to poor models being published and used in real‐world applications. In a structured, didactic treatment, we summarize what in our view constitute the ten most problematic issues, or hazards, negatively affecting implementation of correlative approaches to species distribution modeling (specifically those that model suitability by comparing the environments of a species' occurrence records with those of a background or pseudoabsence sample). For each hazard, we state relevant assumptions, detail problems that arise when violating them, and convey straightforward existing recommendations. We also discuss five major outstanding questions of active current research. We hope this contribution will promote more rigorous implementation of these valuable models and stimulate further advancements.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 1, 2025
  6. GEOTRACES is an international program that has benefited from contributions by investigators in 35 nations. The program mission is to identify processes and quantify fluxes that control the distributions of key trace elements and isotopes in the ocean and to establish the sensitivity of these distributions to changing environmental conditions. This perspective first summarizes the historical motivation for the program, and then describes selected research highlights, focusing on recent findings related to iron. The patchy distribution of iron in the ocean indicates a short residence time, at the low end of the range of residence times estimated in models. Iron removal from the ocean must, therefore, be rapid. Recent results from the North Atlantic Ocean suggest that the formation of particulate authigenic iron phases may be a factor contributing to iron removal that is faster than previously thought. This article also identifies several areas where advancements are expected through modeling and synthesis efforts.

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  7. This dataset contains measurements of river discharge, suspended sediment, and organic carbon fluxes in the Canning River, Alaska during one field campaign from 28 June to 10 July 2022 and a second field campaign from 21 July to 2 August 2023. The purpose of this dataset is to demonstrate the impact of summer convective storms on river suspended sediment and particulate organic carbon fluxes in Arctic Rivers. During the 2022 field campaign, we rafted down the Canning River starting on the upper Canning within the headwaters and ending near the mouth at the Beaufort Sea coast. During this campaign, we selected five locations along the active channel to conduct Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) surveys to measure river discharge and sample the river water for suspended sediment and particulate organic carbon, where T1 is the farthest upstream transect and T5 is the farthest downstream. During the 2023 field campaign, we collected instantaneous river discharge measurements of the Canning River in the headwaters at the Marsh Fork Bench Airstrip, at the Staines Airstrip, and on the Staines branch of the Canning River delta. We observed several thunderstorms during these field campaigns, during which the river water level and suspended load increased dramatically, prompting us to sample river suspended sediment during these events. This dataset includes ADCP measurements of river water discharge, suspended sediment concentrations, particulate and dissolved organic carbon concentrations, woody debris flux measurements, and estimates of instantaneous fluxes. 
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  8. Abstract. In late March 2011, landfast sea ice (hereafter, “fast ice”) formed in the northern Larsen B embayment and persisted continuously as multi-year fast ice until January 2022. In the 11 years of fast-ice presence, the northern Larsen B glaciers slowed significantly, thickened in their lower reaches, and developed extensive mélange areas, leading to the formation of ice tongues that extended up to 16 km from the 2011 ice fronts. In situ measurements of ice speed on adjacent ice shelf areas spanning 2011 to 2017 show that the fast ice provided significant resistive stress to ice flow. Fast-ice breakout began in late January 2022 and was closely followed by retreat and breakup of both the fast-ice mélange and the glacier ice tongues. We investigate the probable triggers for the loss of fast ice and document the initial upstream glacier responses. The fast-ice breakup is linked to the arrival of a strong ocean swell event (>1.5 m amplitude; wave period waves >5 s) originating from the northeast. Wave propagation to the ice front was facilitated by a 12-year low in sea ice concentration in the northwestern Weddell Sea, creating a near-ice-free corridor to the open ocean. Remote sensing data in the months following the fast-ice breakout reveals an initial ice flow speed increase (>2-fold), elevation loss (9 to 11 m), and rapid calving of floating and grounded ice for the three main embayment glaciers Crane (11 km), Hektoria (25 km), and Green (18 km).

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  9. Abstract

    The increased use of antimicrobial compounds such as copper into nanoparticles changes how living cells interact with these novel materials. The increased use of antimicrobial nanomaterials combats infectious disease and food spoilage. Fungal infections are particularly difficult to treat because of the few druggable targets, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae provides an insightful model organism to test these new materials. However, because of the novel characteristics of these materials, it is unclear how these materials interact with living cells and if resistance to copper-based nanomaterials could occur. Copper nanoparticles built on carboxymethylcellulose microfibril strands with copper (CMC-Cu) are a promising nanomaterial when imported into yeast cells and induce cell death. The α-arrestins are cargo adaptors that select which molecules are imported into eukaryotic cells. We screened α-arrestins mutants and identified Aly2, Rim8, and Rog3 α-arrestins, which are necessary for the internalization of CMC-Cu nanoparticles. Internal reactive oxygen species in these mutants were lower and corresponded to the increased viability in the presence of CMC-Cu. Using lattice light-sheet microscopy on live cells, we determined that CMC-Cu were imported into yeast within 30 min of exposure. Initially, the cytoplasmic pH decreased but returned to basal level 90 min later. However, there was heterogeneity in response to CMC-Cu exposure, which could be due to the heterogeneity of the particles or differences in the metabolic states within the population. When yeast were exposed to sublethal concentrations of CMC-Cu no resistance occurred. Internalization of CMC-Cu increases the potency of these antimicrobial nanomaterials and is likely key to preventing fungi from evolving resistance.

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