The replacement of grasses by shrubs or bare ground (xerification) is a primary form of landscape change in drylands globally with consequences for ecosystem services. The potential for wild herbivores to trigger or reinforce shrubland states may be underappreciated, however, and comparative analyses across herbivore taxa are sparse. We sought to clarify the relative effects of domestic cattle, native rodents, native lagomorphs, and exotic African oryx (
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Abstract Oryx gazella ) on a Chihuahuan Desert grassland undergoing shrub encroachment. We then asked whether drought periods, wet season precipitation, or interspecific grass–shrub competition modified herbivore effects to alter plant cover, species diversity, or community composition. We established a long‐term experiment with hierarchical herbivore exclosure treatments and surveyed plant foliar cover over 25 years. Cover of honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa ) proliferated, responding primarily to climate, and was unaffected by herbivore treatments. Surprisingly, cattle and African oryx exclusion had only marginal effects on perennial grass cover at their current densities. Native lagomorphs interacted with climate to limit perennial grass cover during wet periods. Native rodents strongly decreased plant diversity, decreased evenness, and altered community composition. Overall, we found no evidence of mammalian herbivores facilitating or inhibiting shrub encroachment, but native small mammals interacting with climate drove dynamics of herbaceous plant communities. Ongoing monitoring will determine whether increased perennial grass cover from exclusion of native lagomorphs and rodents slows the transition to a dense shrubland.Free, publicly-accessible full text available October 29, 2025 -
Woody plant encroachment is a main driver of landscape change in drylands globally. In the Chihuahuan Desert, past livestock overgrazing interacted with prolonged drought to convert vast expanses of black grama (Bouteloua eriopoda) grasslands to honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) shrublands. Such ecosystem state transitions have greatly reduced habitat for grassland wildlife species, increased soil erosion, and inhibited the delivery of ecosystem services to local communities. The potential for wild herbivores to trigger or reinforce shrubland states may be underappreciated, however, and few studies compare herbivory effects across multiple consumer taxa. Here, I address the roles of multiple mammalian herbivores in driving or reinforcing landscape change in the Chihuahuan Desert by examining their effects on plant communities over multiple spatial and temporal scales, as well as across plant life stages. Moreover, I studied these herbivore effects in the context of precipitation pulses, long-term climate influences, competitive interactions, and habitat structure. I used two long-term studies that hierarchically excluded herbivores by body size over 25 years (Herbivore Exclosure Study) and 21 years (Ecotone Study), and a perennial grass seedling herbivory experiment. Native rodents and lagomorphs were especially important in determining grass cover and plant community composition in wet periods and affected perennial grass persistence over multiple life stages. Conversely, during drought, climate drove declines in perennial grass cover, promoting shrub expansion across the landscape. In that shrub-encroached state, native small mammals reinforced grass loss in part because habitat structure provided cover from predators. This research advances our understanding of an underappreciated component of ecosystem change in drylands – small mammal herbivory – and highlights the need to incorporate positive feedbacks from native small mammals into conceptual models of grassland-shrubland transitions.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available May 3, 2025