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Abstract The isotopic composition of precipitation is used to trace water cycling and climate change, but interpretations of the environmental information recorded in central Andean precipitation isotope ratios are hindered by a lack of multi‐year records, poor spatial distribution of observations, and a predominant focus on Rayleigh distillation. To better understand isotopic variability in central Andean precipitation, we present a three‐year record of semimonthly δ18Opand δ2Hpvalues from 15 stations in southern Peru and triple oxygen isotope data, expressed as ∆′17Op, from 32 precipitation samples. Consistent with previous work, we find that elevation correlates negatively with δ18Opand that seasonal δ18Opvariations are related to upstream rainout and local convection. Spatial δ18Opvariations and atmospheric back trajectories show that both eastern‐ and western‐derived air masses bring precipitation to southern Peru. Seasonal d‐excesspcycles record moisture recycling and relative humidity at remote moisture sources, and both d‐excesspand ∆′17Opclearly differentiate evaporated and non‐evaporated samples. These results begin to establish the natural range of unevaporated ∆′17Opvalues in the central Andes and set the foundation for future paleoclimate and paleoaltimetry studies in the region. This study highlights the hydrologic understanding that comes from a combination of δ18Op, d‐excessp, and ∆′17Opdata and helps identify the evaporation, recycling, and rainout processes that drive water cycling in the central Andes.
Abstract Forests play an integral role in the terrestrial water cycle and link exchanges of water between the land surface and the atmosphere. To examine the effects of an intermediate disturbance on forest water cycling, we compared vertical profiles of stable water vapor isotopes in two closely located forest sites in northern lower Michigan. At one site, all canopy‐dominant early successional species were stem girdled to induce mortality and accelerate senescence. At both sites, we measured the isotopic composition of atmospheric water vapor at six heights during three seasons (spring, summer, and fall) and paired vertical isotope profiles with local meteorology and sap flux. Disturbance had a substantial impact on local water cycling. The undisturbed canopy was moister, retained more transpired vapor, and at times was poorly mixed with the free atmosphere above the canopy. Differences between the disturbed and undisturbed sites were most pronounced in the summer when transpiration was high. Differences in forest structure at the two sites also led to more isotopically stratified vapor within the undisturbed canopy. Our findings suggest that intermediate disturbance may increase mixing between the surface layer and above‐canopy atmosphere and alter ecosystem‐atmosphere gas exchange.