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Creators/Authors contains: "Ashe, Austin W"

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  1. This article examines the integration of cybersecurity into the sociology curriculum at a HBCU. The article is based on two of the twenty-six modules that were created and taught in a three-year project. The research questions are: • Is there increased cybersecurity awareness after the infusion of the Password and Phishing Modules? • Is there a relationship between the use of experiential pedagogy and learning outcomes? The socio-cybersecurity modules are grounded in Vygotsky’s experiential learning theory. The methodology included a pre-test survey of cybersecurity awareness, the module’s lecture and experiential activities, then a post-test survey of cybersecurity awareness. T-test analysis was performed on the data obtained from quasi-experimental survey data. Content analysis was performed on in-class assignments. Students found the experiential pedagogy helpful and demonstrated their new knowledge. Significant pedagogical research is occurring with African American students. Traditionally, this population has been sidelined in the digital race and its new employment opportunities. When exposed to cyber-education their learning outcomes are primarily significant. 
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