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Creators/Authors contains: "Austin, Max"

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  1. In this paper we present swimming and modeling for Trident, a three-link lamprey-inspired robot that is able to climb on flat smooth walls. We explore two gaits proposed to work for linear swimming, and three gaits for turning maneuvers. We compare the experimental results obtained from these swimming experiments with two different reduced order fluid interaction models, one a previously published potential flow model, and the other a slender cylinder model we developed. We find that depending on the the parameters of swimming chosen, we are able to move forward, backward and sideways with a peak speed of 2.5 cm/s. We identify the conditions when these models apply and aspects that will require additional complexity. 
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  2. Abstract Alfvén eigenmodes (AEs) are an important and complex class of plasma dynamics commonly observed in tokamaks and other plasma devices. In this work, we manually labeled a small database of 26 discharges from the DIII-D tokamak in order to train simple neural-network-based models for classifying AEs. The models provide spatiotemporally local identification of four types of AEs by using an array of 40 electron cyclotron emission (ECE) signals as inputs. Despite the minimal dataset, this strategy performs well at spatiotemporally localized classification of AEs, indicating future opportunities for more sophisticated models and incorporation into real-time control strategies. The trained model is then used to generate spatiotemporally-resolved labels for each of the 40 ECE measurements on a much larger database of 1112 DIII-D discharges. This large set of precision labels can be used in future studies for advanced deep predictors and new physical insights. 
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  3. Abstract Modern tokamaks have achieved significant fusion production, but further progress towards steady-state operation has been stymied by a host of kinetic and MHD instabilities. Control and identification of these instabilities is often complicated, warranting the application of data-driven methods to complement and improve physical understanding. In particular, Alfvén eigenmodes are a class of ubiquitous mixed kinetic and MHD instabilities that are important to identify and control because they can lead to loss of confinement and potential damage to the walls of a plasma device. In the present work, we use reservoir computing networks to classify Alfvén eigenmodes in a large labeled database of DIII-D discharges, covering a broad range of operational parameter space. Despite the large parameter space, we show excellent classification and prediction performance, with an average hit rate of 91% and false alarm ratio of 7%, indicating promise for future implementation with additional diagnostic data and consolidation into a real-time control strategy. 
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