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Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 1, 2025
Abstract The emergence of magnetism in quantum materials creates a platform to realize spin-based applications in spintronics, magnetic memory, and quantum information science. A key to unlocking new functionalities in these materials is the discovery of tunable coupling between spins and other microscopic degrees of freedom. We present evidence for interlayer magnetophononic coupling in the layered magnetic topological insulator MnBi 2 Te 4 . Employing magneto-Raman spectroscopy, we observe anomalies in phonon scattering intensities across magnetic field-driven phase transitions, despite the absence of discernible static structural changes. This behavior is a consequence of a magnetophononic wave-mixing process that allows for the excitation of zone-boundary phonons that are otherwise ‘forbidden’ by momentum conservation. Our microscopic model based on density functional theory calculations reveals that this phenomenon can be attributed to phonons modulating the interlayer exchange coupling. Moreover, signatures of magnetophononic coupling are also observed in the time domain through the ultrafast excitation and detection of coherent phonons across magnetic transitions. In light of the intimate connection between magnetism and topology in MnBi 2 Te 4 , the magnetophononic coupling represents an important step towards coherent on-demand manipulation of magnetic topological phases.more » « less
Abstract Bound states in the continuum (BIC) is an exotic concept describing systems without radiative loss. BICs are widely investigated in optics due to numerous potential applications including lasing, sensing, and filtering, among others. This study introduces a structurally tunable BIC terahertz metamaterial fabricated using micromachining and experimentally characterized using terahertz time domain spectroscopy. Control of the bending angle of the metamaterial by thermal actuation modifies the capacitance enabling tuning from a quasi‐BIC state with a quality factor of 26 to the BIC state. The dynamic response from the quasi‐BIC state to the BIC state is achieved by blueshifting the resonant frequency of the LC mode while maintaining a constant resonant frequency for the dipole mode. Additional insight into the tunable electromagnetic response is obtained using temporal coupled mode theory (CMT). The results reveal the effectiveness of bi‐layer cantilever‐based structures to realize tunable BIC metamaterials with potential applications for nonlinear optics and light‐matter control at terahertz frequencies.
Abstract Strongly driven antiferromagnetic Mott insulators have the potential to exhibit exotic transient phenomena that are forbidden in thermal equilibrium. However, such far-from-equilibrium regimes, where conventional time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau descriptions fail, are experimentally challenging to prepare and to probe especially in solid state systems. Here we use a combination of time-resolved second harmonic optical polarimetry and coherent magnon spectroscopy to interrogate
n -type photo-doping induced ultrafast magnetic order parameter dynamics in the antiferromagnetic Mott insulator Sr2IrO4. We find signatures of an unusual far-from-equilibrium critical regime in which the divergences of the magnetic correlation length and relaxation time are decoupled. This violation of conventional thermal critical behavior arises from the interplay of photo-doping and non-thermal magnon population induced demagnetization effects. Our findings, embodied in a non-equilibrium phase diagram, provide a blueprint for engineering the out-of-equilibrium properties of quantum matter, with potential applications to terahertz spintronics technologies.