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  1. Aims. On the Sun, jets in light bridges (LBs) are frequently observed with high-resolution instruments. The respective roles played by convection and the magnetic field in triggering such jets are not yet clear. Methods. We report a small fan-shaped jet along a LB observed by the 1.6m Goode Solar Telescope (GST) with the TiO Broadband Filter Imager (BFI), the Visible Imaging Spectrometer (VIS) in H α , and the Near-InfraRed Imaging Spectropolarimeter (NIRIS), along with the Stokes parameters. The high spatial and temporal resolution of those instruments allowed us to analyze the features identified during the jet event. By constructing the H α Dopplergrams, we found that the plasma is first moving upward, whereas during the second phase of the jet, the plasma is flowing back. Working with time slice diagrams, we investigated the propagation-projected speed of the fan and its bright base. Results. The fan-shaped jet developed within a few minutes, with diverging beams. At its base, a bright point was slipping along the LB and ultimately invaded the umbra of the sunspot. The H α profiles of the bright points enhanced the intensity in the wings, similarly to the case of Ellerman bombs. Co-temporally, the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) brightenings developed at the front of the dark material jet and moved at the same speed as the fan, leading us to propose that the fan-shaped jet material compressed and heated the ambient plasma at its extremities in the corona. Conclusions. Our multi-wavelength analysis indicates that the fan-shaped jet could result from magnetic reconnection across the highly diverging field low in the chromosphere, leading to an apparent slipping motion of the jet material along the LB. However, we did not find any opposite magnetic polarity at the jet base, as would typically be expected in such a configuration. We therefore discuss other plausible physical mechanisms, based on waves and convection, that may have triggered the event. 
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  2. null (Ed.)
  3. null (Ed.)
    Two PIEZO mechanosensitive cation channels, PIEZO1 and PIEZO2, have been identified in mammals, where they are involved in numerous sensory processes. While structurally similar, PIEZO channels are expressed in distinct tissues and exhibit unique properties. How different PIEZOs transduce force, how their transduction mechanism varies, and how their unique properties match the functional needs of the distinct tissues where they are expressed remain all-important unanswered questions. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has a single PIEZO ortholog (pezo-1) predicted to have twelve isoforms. These isoforms share many transmembrane domains, but differ in those that distinguish PIEZO1 and PIEZO2 in mammals. Here we use translational and transcriptional reporters to show that long pezo-1 isoforms are selectively expressed in mesodermally derived tissues (such as muscle and glands). In contrast, shorter pezo-1 isoforms are primarily expressed in neurons. In the digestive system, different pezo-1 isoforms appear to be expressed in different cells of the same organ. We show that pharyngeal muscles, glands, and valve rely on long pezo-1 isoforms to respond appropriately to the presence of food. The unique pattern of complementary expression of pezo-1 isoforms suggest that different isoforms possess distinct functions. The number of pezo-1 isoforms in C. elegans, their differential pattern of expression, and their roles in experimentally tractable processes make this an attractive system to investigate the molecular basis for functional differences between members of the PIEZO family of mechanoreceptors. 
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  4. null (Ed.)
    Context. The carbon monoxide (CO) molecular line at around 46655 Å in solar infrared spectra is often used to investigate the dynamic behavior of the cold heart of the solar atmosphere, i.e., sunspot oscillation, especially at the sunspot umbra. Aims. We investigated sunspot oscillation at Doppler velocities of the CO 7-6 R67 and 3-2 R14 lines that were measured by the Cryogenic Infrared Spectrograph (CYRA), as well as the line profile of Mg  II k line that was detected by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS). Methods. A single Gaussian function is applied to each CO line profile to extract the line shift, while the moment analysis method is used for the Mg  II k line. Then the sunspot oscillation can be found in the time–distance image of Doppler velocities, and the quasi-periodicity at the sunspot umbra are determined from the wavelet power spectrum. Finally, the cross-correlation method is used to analyze the phase relation between different atmospheric levels. Results. At the sunspot umbra, a periodicity of roughly 5 min is detected at the Doppler velocity range of the CO 7-6 R67 line that formed in the photosphere, while a periodicity of around 3 min is discovered at the Doppler velocities of CO 3-2 R14 and Mg  II k lines that formed in the upper photosphere or the temperature minimum region and the chromosphere. A time delay of about 2 min is measured between the strong CO 3-2 R14 line and the Mg  II k line. Conclusions. Based on the spectroscopic observations from the CYRA and IRIS, the 3 min sunspot oscillation can be spatially resolved in the Doppler shifts. It may come from the upper photosphere or the temperature minimum region and then propagate to the chromosphere, which might be regarded as a propagating slow magnetoacoustic wave. 
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  5. Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 1, 2025
  6. Abstract

    The origin of high-energy galactic cosmic rays is yet to be understood, but some galactic cosmic-ray accelerators can accelerate cosmic rays up to PeV energies. The high-energy cosmic rays are expected to interact with the surrounding material or radiation, resulting in the production of gamma-rays and neutrinos. To optimize for the detection of such associated production of gamma-rays and neutrinos for a given source morphology and spectrum, a multimessenger analysis that combines gamma-rays and neutrinos is required. In this study, we use the Multi-Mission Maximum Likelihood framework with IceCube Maximum Likelihood Analysis software and HAWC Accelerated Likelihood to search for a correlation between 22 known gamma-ray sources from the third HAWC gamma-ray catalog and 14 yr of IceCube track-like data. No significant neutrino emission from the direction of the HAWC sources was found. We report the best-fit gamma-ray model and 90% CL neutrino flux limit from the 22 sources. From the neutrino flux limit, we conclude that, for five of the sources, the gamma-ray emission observed by HAWC cannot be produced purely from hadronic interactions. We report the limit for the fraction of gamma-rays produced by hadronic interactions for these five sources.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 1, 2025