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Creators/Authors contains: "Baker, Brendon M."

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  1. Recent innovations in differentiating cardiomyocytes from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) have unlocked a viable path to creating in vitro cardiac models. Currently, hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs) remain immature, leading many in the field to explore approaches to enhance cell and tissue maturation. Here, we systematically analyzed 300 studies using hiPSC-CM models to determine common fabrication, maturation and assessment techniques used to evaluate cardiomyocyte functionality and maturity and compiled the data into an open-access database. Based on this analysis, we present the diversity of, and current trends in, in vitro models and highlight the most common and promising practices for functional assessments. We further analyzed outputs spanning structural maturity, contractile function, electrophysiology and gene expression and note field-wide improvements over time. Finally, we discuss opportunities to collectively pursue the shared goal of hiPSC-CM model development, maturation and assessment that we believe are critical for engineering mature cardiac tissue. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 8, 2025
  2. Mechanical forces provide critical biological signals to cells during healthy and aberrant organ development as well as during disease processes in adults. Within the cardiopulmonary system, mechanical forces, such as shear, compressive, and tensile forces, act across various length scales, and dysregulated forces are often a leading cause of disease initiation and progression such as in bronchopulmonary dysplasia and cardiomyopathies. Engineered in vitro models have supported studies of mechanical forces in a number of tissue and disease-specific contexts, thus enabling new mechanistic insights into cardiopulmonary development and disease. This review first provides fundamental examples where mechanical forces operate at multiple length scales to ensure precise lung and heart function. Next, we survey recent engineering platforms and tools that have provided new means to probe and modulate mechanical forces across in vitro and in vivo settings. Finally, the potential for interdisciplinary collaborations to inform novel therapeutic approaches for a number of cardiopulmonary diseases are discussed. 
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  3. We demonstrate the facile and robust generation of giant peptide vesicles by using an emulsion transfer method. These robust vesicles can sustain chemical and physical stresses. The peptide vesicles can host cell-free expression reactions by encapsulating essential ingredients. We show the incorporation of another cell-free expressed elastin-like polypeptide into the existing membrane of the peptide vesicles. 
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  4. Abstract

    Effective tendon regeneration following injury is contingent on appropriate differentiation of recruited cells and deposition of mature, aligned, collagenous extracellular matrix that can withstand the extreme mechanical demands placed on the tissue. As such, myriad biomaterial approaches have been explored to provide biochemical and physical cues that encourage tenogenesis and template aligned matrix deposition in lieu of dysfunctional scar tissue formation. Fiber‐reinforced hydrogels present an ideal biomaterial system toward this end given their transdermal injectability, tunable stiffness over a range amenable to tenogenic differentiation of progenitors, and capacity for modular inclusion of biochemical cues. Here, tunable and modular, fiber‐reinforced, synthetic hydrogels are employed to elucidate salient microenvironmental determinants of tenogenesis and aligned collagen deposition by tendon progenitor cells. Transforming growth factor β3 drives a cell fate switch toward pro‐regenerative or pro‐fibrotic phenotypes, which can be biased toward the former by culture in softer microenvironments or inhibition of the RhoA/ROCK activity. Furthermore, studies demonstrate that topographical anisotropy in fiber‐reinforced hydrogels critically mediates the alignment ofde novocollagen fibrils, reflecting native tendon architecture. These findings inform the design of cell‐free, injectable, synthetic hydrogels for tendon tissue regeneration and, likely, that of a range of load‐bearing connective tissues.

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  5. null (Ed.)
    Cardiomyocytes derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC-CMs) show great potential for engineering myocardium to study cardiac disease and create regenerative therapies. However, iPSC-CMs typically possess a late embryonic stage phenotype, with cells failing to exhibit markers of mature adult tissue. This is due in part to insufficient knowledge and control of microenvironmental cues required to facilitate the organization and maturation of iPSC-CMs. Here, we employed a cell-adhesive, mechanically tunable synthetic fibrous extracellular matrix (ECM) consisting of electrospun dextran vinyl sulfone (DVS) fibers and examined how biochemical, architectural, and mechanical properties of the ECM impact iPSC-CM tissue assembly and subsequent function. Exploring a multidimensional parameter space spanning cell-adhesive ligand, seeding density, fiber alignment, and stiffness, we found that fibronectin-functionalized DVS matrices composed of highly aligned fibers with low stiffness optimally promoted the organization of functional iPSC-CM tissues. Tissues generated on these matrices demonstrated improved calcium handling and increased end-to-end localization of N-cadherin as compared to micropatterned fibronectin lines or fibronectin-coated glass. Furthermore, DVS matrices supported long-term culture (45 days) of iPSC-CMs; N-cadherin end-to-end localization and connexin43 expression both increased as a function of time in culture. In sum, these findings demonstrate the importance of recapitulating the fibrous myocardial ECM in engineering structurally organized and functional iPSC-CM tissues. 
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  6. Abstract

    Although tissue culture plastic has been widely employed for cell culture, the rigidity of plastic is not physiologic. Softer hydrogels used to culture cells have not been widely adopted in part because coupling chemistries are required to covalently capture extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins and support cell adhesion. To create an in vitro system with tunable stiffnesses that readily adsorbs ECM proteins for cell culture, a novel hydrophobic hydrogel system is presented via chemically converting hydroxyl residues on the dextran backbone to methacrylate groups, thereby transforming non‐protein adhesive, hydrophilic dextran to highly protein adsorbent substrates. Increasing methacrylate functionality increases the hydrophobicity in the resulting hydrogels and enhances ECM protein adsorption without additional chemical reactions. These hydrophobic hydrogels permit facile and tunable modulation of substrate stiffness independent of hydrophobicity or ECM coatings. Using this approach, it is shown that substrate stiffness and ECM adsorption work together to affect cell morphology and proliferation, but the strengths of these effects vary in different cell types. Furthermore, it is revealed that stiffness‐mediated differentiation of dermal fibroblasts into myofibroblasts is modulated by the substrate ECM. The material system demonstrates remarkable simplicity and flexibility to tune ECM coatings and substrate stiffness and study their effects on cell function.

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  7. null (Ed.)
  8. Abstract

    Human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hPSC-CMs) allow investigations in a human cardiac model system, but disorganized mechanics and immaturity of hPSC-CMs on standard two-dimensional surfaces have been hurdles. Here, we developed a platform of micron-scale cardiac muscle bundles to control biomechanics in arrays of thousands of purified, independently contracting cardiac muscle strips on two-dimensional elastomer substrates with far greater throughput than single cell methods. By defining geometry and workload in this reductionist platform, we show that myofibrillar alignment and auxotonic contractions at physiologic workload drive maturation of contractile function, calcium handling, and electrophysiology. Using transcriptomics, reporter hPSC-CMs, and quantitative immunofluorescence, these cardiac muscle bundles can be used to parse orthogonal cues in early development, including contractile force, calcium load, and metabolic signals. Additionally, the resultant organized biomechanics facilitates automated extraction of contractile kinetics from brightfield microscopy imaging, increasing the accessibility, reproducibility, and throughput of pharmacologic testing and cardiomyopathy disease modeling.

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