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  1. Abstract

    Ecosystems like coral reefs mitigate rising coastal flood risks, but investments into their conservation remain low relative to the investments into engineered risk-mitigation structures. One reason is that quantifying the risk-reduction benefits of coral reefs requires an estimate of their fragility to severe stresses. Engineered structures typically have associated fragility functions which predict the probability of exceeding a damage state with the increasing loading intensity imposed by a stressor, like a hurricane. Here, we propose a preliminary framework for capturing the fragility of coral reefs towards hurricanes in an analogous way to that of an engineered structure. We base our framework on Disturbance Response Monitoring data collected in the Florida Keys and Puerto Rico following hurricanes Irma and Maria. We first establish a qualitatively consistent correlation between hurricane impacts and coral mortality rates using two surveys of coral health. We focus specifically on stony coral mortality as a metric for reef damage, simplifying the effect of coral morphology into a single quantitative index at the site scale. To quantify the loading intensity of a hurricane, we propose a Hurricane Wind Exposure Time that captures spatial variations in the exposure of different coral reef sites to hurricane force winds. We ultimately derive a simple empirical fragility function for the Florida Keys and Puerto Rico to support side-by-side comparisons of the cost-effectiveness of a coral reef and engineered solutions to flood risk reduction in these regions.

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  2. In this paper, we make a case for the importance of teaching secondary school level algebra to students with learning disabilities (LD). Furthermore, we illustrate how they struggle and present best-practices on how they are best supported. We demonstrate effective ways of how teachers can show students with LD how to solve challenging algebra problems. In particular, we depict how educators can help learners with LD show their work on paper in ways that support their thinking processes as they engage with challenging algebra problems. 
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  3. Abstract

    The Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) is a network of High Frequency (HF) radars that are typically used for monitoring plasma convection in the Earth's ionosphere. A majority of SuperDARN backscatter can broadly be divided into three categories: (a) ionospheric scatter due to reflections from plasma irregularities in the E and F regions of the ionosphere, (b) ground scatter caused by reflections from the ground/sea surface following reflection in the ionosphere, and (c) backscatter from meteor trails left by meteoroids as they enter the Earth's atmosphere. Due to the complex nature of HF propagation and mid‐latitude electrodynamics, it is often not straightforward to distinguish between different modes of backscatter observed by SuperDARN. In this study, we present a new two‐stage machine learning algorithm for identifying different backscatter modes in SuperDARN data. In the first stage, a neural network that “mimics” ray‐tracing is used to predict the probability of ionospheric and ground scatter occurring at a given location along with parameters like the elevation angles, reflection heights etc. The inputs to the network include parameters that control HF propagation, such as signal frequency, season, UT time, and geomagnetic activity levels. In the second stage, the output probabilities from the neural network and actual SuperDARN data are clustered together to determine the category of the backscatter. Our model can distinguish between meteor scatter, 1/2 hop E‐/F‐region ionospheric as well as ground/sea scatter. We validate our model by comparing predicted elevation angles with those measured at a SuperDARN radar.

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  4. Monomeric boroles have been gaining attention as reagents for the synthesis of heterocycles due to their ability to insert atoms into the BC 4 ring in a single step. Although unique boron frameworks can be accessed via this methodology, the products feature aryl substitution on the carbon centers as steric bulk is required to preclude borole dimerization. This work demonstrates that insertion chemistry is possible with Diels–Alder dimeric boroles and that such reactivity is not exclusive to monomeric boroles with bulky groups. With 1-phenyl-2,3,4,5-tetramethylborole dimer, the formal 1,1-insertion of a nitrene and sulfur generate the six-membered aromatic 1,2-azaborine and 1,2-thiaborine, respectively. The isolation of the 1,2-thiaborine enabled the synthesis of an η 6 -chromium complex. Benzophenone and diphenylketene readily insert a CO unit to generate BOC 5 seven-membered rings confirming dimeric boroles can serve as monomeric synthons in 1,2-insertion reactions. An epoxide did not furnish the anticipated eight-membered BOC 6 ring, instead provided a bicyclic system with a BOC 3 ring. The insertion chemistry was demonstrated with two other borole dimers featuring different substitution with diphenylketene as a substrate. This work elevates borole insertion chemistry to a new level to access products that do not require bulky substitution. 
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  5. Abstract

    Sudden enhancement in high‐frequency absorption is a well‐known impact of solar flare‐driven Short‐Wave Fadeout (SWF). Less understood, is a perturbation of the radio wave frequency as it traverses the ionosphere in the early stages of SWF, also known as the Doppler flash. Investigations have suggested two possible sources that might contribute to it’s manifestation: first, enhancements of plasma density in the D‐and lower E‐regions; second, the lowering of the F‐region reflection point. Our recent work investigated a solar flare event using first principles modeling and Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) HF radar observations and found that change in the F‐region refractive index is the primary driver of the Doppler flash. This study analyzes multiple solar flare events observed across different SuperDARN HF radars to determine how flare characteristics, properties of the traveling radio wave, and geophysical conditions impact the Doppler flash. In addition, we use incoherent scatter radar data and first‐principles modeling to investigate physical mechanisms that drive the lowering of the F‐region reflection points. We found, (a) on average, the change in E‐ and F‐region refractive index is the primary driver of the Doppler flash, (b) solar zenith angle, ray’s elevation angle, operating frequency, and location of the solar flare on the solar disk can alter the ionospheric regions of maximum contribution to the Doppler flash, (c) increased ionospheric Hall and Pedersen conductance causes a reduction of the daytime eastward electric field, and consequently reduces the vertical ion‐drift in the lower and middle latitude ionosphere, which results in lowering of the F‐region ray reflection point.

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  6. Abstract

    Over‐the‐Horizon communication is strongly dependent on the state of the ionosphere, which is susceptible to solar flares. Trans‐ionospheric high frequency (HF, 3–30 MHz) signals can experience strong attenuation following a solar flare that lasts typically for an hour, commonly referred to as shortwave fadeout (SWF). In this study, we examine the role of dispersion relation and collision frequency formulations on the estimation of SWF in riometer observations using a new physics‐based model framework. The new framework first uses modified solar irradiance models incorporating high‐resolution solar flux data from the GOES satellite X‐ray sensors as input to compute the enhanced ionization produced during a flare event. The framework then uses different dispersion relation and collision frequency formulations to estimate the enhanced HF absorption. The modeled HF absorption is compared with riometer data to determine which formulation best reproduces the observations. We find the Appleton‐Hartree dispersion relation in combination with the averaged collision frequency profile reproduces riometer observations with an average skill score of 0.4, representing 40% better forecast ability than the existing D‐region Absorption Prediction model. Our modeling results also indicate that electron temperature plays an important role in controlling HF absorption. We suggest that adoption of the Appleton‐Hartree dispersion relation in combination with the averaged collision frequency be considered for improved forecasting of ionospheric absorption following solar flares.

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  7. Abstract

    Trans‐ionospheric high frequency (HF: 3–30 MHz) signals experience strong attenuation following a solar flare‐driven sudden ionospheric disturbance (SID). Solar flare‐driven HF absorption, referred to as short‐wave fadeout, is a well‐known impact of SIDs, but the initial Doppler frequency shift phenomena, also known as “Doppler flash” in the traveling radio wave is not well understood. This study seeks to advance our understanding of the initial impacts of solar flare‐driven SID using a physics‐based whole atmosphere model for a specific solar flare event. First, we demonstrate that the Doppler flash phenomenon observed by Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) radars can be successfully reproduced using first‐principles based modeling. The output from the simulation is validated against SuperDARN line‐of‐sight Doppler velocity measurements. We then examine which region of the ionosphere, D, E, or F, makes the largest contribution to the Doppler flash. We also consider the relative contribution of change in refractive index through the ionospheric layers versus lowered reflection height. We find: (a) the model is able to reproduce radar observations with an root‐median‐squared‐error and a mean percentage error (δ) of 3.72 m/s and 0.67%, respectively; (b) the F‐region is the most significant contributor to the total Doppler flash (∼48%), 30% of which is contributed by the change in F‐region's refractive index, while the other ∼18% is due to change in ray reflection height. Our analysis shows lowering of the F‐region's ray reflection point is a secondary driver compared to the change in refractive index.

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  8. Abstract

    The term “sluggishness” was coined by E. V. Appleton in the 1950s to describe the time delay between peak irradiance at solar noon and the resulting peak in ionospheric electron density. Sluggishness can be understood as an inertial property of the ionosphere that manifests as a lag of the ionospheric response to a solar driver. As shown by Appleton, estimates of sluggishness can be used to study the chemistry of the lower ionosphere, of the D‐region in particular. In this study, for the first time, we have examined ionospheric sluggishness in terms of the time delay between the peak irradiance during a solar flare and the resulting peak in ionospheric electron density using HF instruments. Estimates of the delay are obtained using HF observations from riometers and SuperDARN radars that are primarily sensitive to absorption in the D‐region. Two new methods for measuring delay are introduced. Sluggishness is shown to be anti‐correlated with peak solar X‐ray flux and positively correlated with zenith angle and latitude. The choices of instrument, method, and reference solar waveband affect the sluggishness estimation. A simulation study was performed to estimate the effective recombination coefficient in the D‐region. The coefficient was found to vary by orders of magnitude with peak flare intensity. We argue that the variation in effective recombination coefficient with peak flare intensity is highly sensitive to changes in the negative and positive ion chemistry of the D‐region, which is sensitive to the incoming solar X‐ray and EUV radiation.

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  9. Abstract

    The sub‐auroral polarization stream (SAPS) is a region of westward high velocity plasma convection equatorward of the auroral oval that plays an important role in mid‐latitude space weather dynamics. In this study, we present observations of SAPS flows extending across the North American sector observed during the recovery phase of a minor geomagnetic storm. A resurgence in substorm activity drove a new set of field‐aligned currents (FACs) into the ionosphere, initiating the SAPS. An upward FAC system is the most prominent feature spreading across most SAPS local times, except near dusk, where a downward current system is pronounced. The location of SAPS flows remained relatively constant, firmly inside the trough, independent of the variability in the location and intensity of the FACs. The SAPS flows were sustained even after the FACs weakened and retreated polewards with a decline in geomagnetic activity. The observations indicate that the mid‐latitude trough plays a crucial role in determining the location of the SAPS and that SAPS flows can be sustained even after the magnetospheric driver has weakened.

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