The phase-space approach (PSA), which was originally introduced in Lacroix [] to describe neutrino flavor oscillations for interacting neutrinos emitted from stellar objects is extended to describe arbitrary numbers of neutrino beams. The PSA is based on mapping the quantum fluctuations into a statistical treatment by sampling initial conditions followed by independent mean-field evolution. A new method is proposed to perform this sampling that allows treating an arbitrary number of neutrinos in each neutrino beams. We validate the technique successfully and confirm its predictive power on several examples where a reference exact calculation is possible. We show that it can describe many-body effects, such as entanglement and dissipation induced by the interaction between neutrinos. Due to the complexity of the problem, exact solutions can only be calculated for rather limited cases, with a limited number of beams and/or neutrinos in each beam. The PSA approach considerably reduces the numerical cost and provides an efficient technique to accurately simulate arbitrary numbers of beams. Examples of PSA results are given here, including up to 200 beams with time-independent or time-dependent Hamiltonians. We anticipate that this approach will be useful to bridge exact microscopic techniques with more traditional transport theories used in neutrino oscillations. It will also provide important reference calculations for future quantum computer applications where other techniques are not applicable to classical computers.
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Published by the American Physical Society 2024 Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 1, 2025 -
We calculate the spin-flavor precession (SFP) of Dirac neutrinos induced by strong magnetic fields and finite neutrino magnetic moments in dense matter. As found in the case of Majorana neutrinos, the SFP of Dirac neutrinos is enhanced by the large magnetic field potential and suppressed by large matter potentials composed of the baryon density and the electron fraction. The SFP is possible irrespective of the large baryon density when the electron fraction is close to 1/3. The diagonal neutrino magnetic moments that are prohibited for Majorana neutrinos enable the spin precession of Dirac neutrinos without any flavor mixing. With supernova hydrodynamics simulation data, we discuss the possibility of the SFP of both Dirac and Majorana neutrinos in core-collapse supernovae. The SFP of Dirac neutrinos occurs at a radius where the electron fraction is 1/3. The required magnetic field of the proto-neutron star for the SFP is a few 10^{14} G at any explosion time. For the Majorana neutrinos, the required magnetic field fluctuates from 10^{13} G to 10^{15} G. Such a fluctuation of the magnetic field is more sensitive to the numerical scheme of the neutrino transport in the supernova simulation.more » « less
Probing self-interacting sterile neutrino dark matter with the diffuse supernova neutrino backgroundThe neutrinos in the diffuse supernova neutrino background (DSNB) travel over cosmological distances and this provides them with an excellent opportunity to interact with dark relics. We show that a cosmologically significant relic population of keV-mass sterile neutrinos with strong self-interactions could imprint their presence in the DSNB. The signatures of the self-interactions would be “dips” in the otherwise smooth DSNB spectrum. Upcoming large-scale neutrino detectors, for example Hyper-Kamiokande, have a good chance of detecting the DSNB and these dips. If no dips are detected, this method serves as an independent constraint on the sterile neutrino self-interaction strength and mixing with active neutrinos. We show that relic sterile neutrino parameters that evade x-ray and structure bounds may nevertheless be testable by future detectors like TRISTAN, but may also produce dips in the DSNB which could be detectable. Such a detection would suggest the existence of a cosmologically significant, strongly self-interacting sterile neutrino background, likely embedded in a richer dark sector.more » « less
Abstract We report on the effects of strong magnetic fields on neutrino emission in the modified Urca process. We show that the effect of Landau levels on the various Urca pairs affects the neutrino emission spectrum and leads to an angular asymmetry in the neutrino emission. For low magnetic fields, the Landau levels have almost no effect on the cooling. However, as the field strength increases, the electron chemical potential increases resulting in a lower density at which Urca pairs can exist. For intermediate field strength, there is an interesting interference between the Landau level distribution and the Fermi distribution. For high enough field strength, the entire electron energy spectrum is eventually confined to a single Landau level producing dramatic spikes in the emission spectrum.