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Creators/Authors contains: "Ballard, Megan S."

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  1. Seagrasses play an important role in coastal ecosystems and serve as important marine carbon stores. Acoustic monitoring techniques exploit the sensitivity of underwater sound to bubbles, which are produced as a byproduct of photosynthesis and present within the seagrass tissue. To make accurate assessments of seagrass biomass and productivity, a model is needed to describe acoustic propagation through the seagrass meadow that includes the effects of gas contained within the seagrass leaves. For this purpose, a new seagrass leaf model is described for Thalassia testudinum that consists of a comparatively rigid epidermis that composes the outer shell of the leaf and comparatively compliant aerenchyma that surrounds the gas channels on the interior of the leaf. With the bulk modulus and density of the seagrass tissue determined by previous work, this study focused on characterizing the shear moduli of the epidermis and aerenchyma. These properties were determined through a combination of dynamic mechanical analysis and acoustic resonator measurements coupled with microscopic imagery and finite element modeling. The shear moduli varied as a function of length along the leaves with values of 100 and 1.8 MPa at the basal end and 900 and 3.7 MPa at the apical end for the epidermis and aerenchyma, respectively.

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  2. Acoustic propagation measurements were collected in a seagrass meadow in a shallow lagoon for periods of over 65 h in winter and 93 h in summer. A bottom-deployed sound source transmitted chirps (0.1–100 kHz) every 10 min that were received on a four-receiver horizontal hydrophone array. Oceanographic probes measured various environmental parameters. Daytime broadband acoustic attenuation was 2.4 dB greater in summer than winter, and the median received acoustic energy levels were 8.4 dB lower in summer compared to winter. These differences were attributed in part to seasonal changes in photosynthesis bubble production and above-ground seagrass biomass.

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  3. null (Ed.)