We present archival and ground-based infrared observations of the γ-ray-emitting nova V959 Mon, covering the period 100–4205 d after the 2012 eruption. We use these data to determine that the secondary in the nova system is a G5 main sequence star. Data from the NEOWISE survey reveal a significant increase in the emission at 3.4 and 4.6 $\, \mu$m at late (≳600 d) times, which we interpret as emission by dust. Other interpretations are considered but cannot be reconciled with the data. The presence of such late dust emission, and in particular its variation with time, are unprecedented in the context of novae. The behaviour of the dust emission suggests a qualitative interpretation in which ejecta from the 2012 eruption encounter denser pre-eruption circumbinary material, giving rise to Rayleigh–Taylor instabilities that cause clumps of dust-bearing material to fall back towards the central binary, the dust undergoing destruction by chemisputtering as it does so. The observed rise in the dust temperature, the decline in the nova-dust distance, and in the dust mass are consistent with this interpretation. Not all novae are expected to show this behaviour, but inspection of resources such as NEOWISE might reveal other novae post-eruption that do.
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ABSTRACT We present infrared spectroscopy of the 2019 eruption of the recurrent nova V3890 Sgr, obtained over the period of 5.1–46.3 d after the eruption. The spectrum of the red giant became more prominent as the flux declined, and by day 46.3 dominated the spectrum. Hydrogen and helium emission lines consisted of a narrow component superposed on a broad pedestal. The full width at half-maximum of the narrow components declined with time t as the eruption progressed, as t−0.74, whereas those of the broad components remained essentially constant. Conversely, the line fluxes of the narrow components of Pa β remained roughly constant, while those of the broad components declined by a factor ∼30 over a period of ≲ 25 d. The behaviour of the broad components is consistent with them arising in unencumbered fast-flowing ejecta perpendicular to the binary plane, in material that was ejected in a short ∼3.3-d burst. The narrow components arise in material that encounters the accumulated circumstellar material. The outburst spectra were rich in coronal lines. There were two coronal line phases, one that originated in gas ionized by supersoft X-ray source, the other in shocked gas. From the relative fluxes of silicon and sulphur coronal lines on day 23.4 – when the emitting gas was shocked – we deduce that the temperature of the coronal gas was 9.3 × 105 K, and that the abundances are approximately solar.
ABSTRACT We present an analysis of the red giant component of the recurrent nova V3890 Sgr, using data obtained before and after its 2019 eruption. Its effective temperature is Teff = 3050 ± 200 K for log g = 0.7, although there are modest changes in Teff. There is an overabundance of both carbon (0.20 ± 0.05 dex) and sodium (1.0 ± 0.3 dex) relative to their solar values, possibly the result of ejecta from the 1990 nova eruption being entrained into the red giant photosphere. We find 12C/13C =25 ± 2, a value similar to that found in red giants in other recurrent novae. The interpretation of the quiescent spectrum in the 5–38$\, \mu$m region requires the presence of photospheric SiO absorption and cool (∼400 K) dust in the red giant environment. The spectrum in the region of the Na i D lines is complex, and includes at least six interstellar components, together with likely evidence for interaction between ejecta from the 2019 eruption and material accumulated in the plane of the binary. Three recurrent novae with giant secondaries have been shown to have environments with different dust content, but photospheres with similar 12C/13C ratios. The SiO fundamental bands most likely have a photospheric origin in the all three stars.
Abstract We present a detailed study of the 2019 outburst of the cataclysmic variable V1047 Cen, which hosted a classical nova eruption in 2005. The peculiar outburst occurred 14 yr after the classical nova event and lasted for more than 400 days, reaching an amplitude of around 6 magnitudes in the optical. Early spectral follow-up revealed what could be a dwarf nova (accretion disk instability) outburst. However, the outburst duration, high-velocity (>2000 km s −1 ) features in the optical line profiles, luminous optical emission, and presence of prominent long-lasting radio emission together suggest a phenomenon more exotic and energetic than a dwarf nova outburst. The outburst amplitude, radiated energy, and spectral evolution are also not consistent with a classical nova eruption. There are similarities between V1047 Cen’s 2019 outburst and those of classical symbiotic stars, but pre-2005 images of the field of V1047 Cen indicate that the system likely hosts a dwarf companion, implying a typical cataclysmic variable system. Based on our multiwavelength observations, we suggest that the outburst may have started with a brightening of the disk due to enhanced mass transfer or disk instability, possibly leading to enhanced nuclear shell burning on the white dwarf, which was already experiencing some level of quasi-steady shell burning. This eventually led to the generation of a wind and/or bipolar, collimated outflows. The 2019 outburst of V1047 Cen appears to be unique, and nothing similar has been observed in a typical cataclysmic variable system before, hinting at a potentially new astrophysical phenomenon.more » « less
We outline how principal component analysis can be applied to particle configuration data to detect a variety of phase transitions in off-lattice systems, both in and out of equilibrium. Specifically, we discuss its application to study (1) the nonequilibrium random organization (RandOrg) model that exhibits a phase transition from quiescent to steady-state behavior as a function of density, (2) orientationally and positionally driven equilibrium phase transitions for hard ellipses, and (3) a compositionally driven demixing transition in the non-additive binary Widom-Rowlinson mixture.
Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 1, 2025
The ALICE Collaboration reports measurements of the semi-inclusive distribution of charged-particle jets recoiling from a high transverse momentum (high) charged hadron, inand central Pb-Pb collisions at center-of-mass energy per nucleon–nucleon collisionTeV. The large uncorrelated background in central Pb-Pb collisions is corrected using a data-driven statistical approach which enables precise measurement of recoil jet distributions over a broad range inand jet resolution parameter. Recoil jet yields are reported for, 0.4, and 0.5 in the rangeand, whereis the azimuthal angular separation between hadron trigger and recoil jet. The low-reach of the measurement explores unique phase space for studying jet quenching, the interaction of jets with the quark–gluon plasma generated in high-energy nuclear collisions. Comparison ofdistributions fromand central Pb-Pb collisions probes medium-induced jet energy loss and intra-jet broadening, while comparison of their acoplanarity distributions explores in-medium jet scattering and medium response. The measurements are compared to theoretical calculations incorporating jet quenching.
©2024 CERN, for the ALICE Collaboration 2024 CERN Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 1, 2025