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  1. Wearable near-eye displays for virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) have seen enormous growth in recent years. While researchers are exploiting a plethora of techniques to create life-like three-dimensional (3D) objects, there is a lack of awareness of the role of human perception in guiding the hardware development. An ultimate VR/AR headset must integrate the display, sensors, and processors in a compact enclosure that people can comfortably wear for a long time while allowing a superior immersion experience and user-friendly human–computer interaction. Compared with other 3D displays, the holographic display has unique advantages in providing natural depth cues and correcting eye aberrations. Therefore, it holds great promise to be the enabling technology for next-generation VR/AR devices. In this review, we survey the recent progress in holographic near-eye displays from the human-centric perspective.

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