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Creators/Authors contains: "Bernardet, Ligia"

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  1. Abstract

    Atmospheric aerosol and chemistry modules are key elements in Earth system models (ESMs), as they predict air pollutant concentrations and properties that can impact human health, weather, and climate. The current uncertainty in climate projections is partly due to the inaccurate representation of aerosol direct and indirect forcing. Aerosol/chemistry parameterizations used within ESMs and other atmospheric models span large structural and parameter uncertainties that are difficult to assess independently of their host models. Moreover, there is a strong need for a standardized interface between aerosol/chemistry modules and the host model to facilitate portability of aerosol/chemistry parameterizations from one model to another, allowing not only a comparison between different parameterizations within the same modeling framework, but also quantifying the impact of different model frameworks on aerosol/chemistry predictions. To address this need, we have initiated a new community effort to coordinate the construction of a Generalized Aerosol/Chemistry Interface (GIANT) for use across weather and climate models. We aim to organize a series of community workshops and hackathons to design and build GIANT, which will serve as the interface between a range of aerosol/chemistry modules and the physics and dynamics components of atmospheric host models. GIANT will leverage ongoing efforts at the U.S. modeling centers focused on building next-generation ESMs and the international AeroCom initiative to implement this common aerosol/chemistry interface. GIANT will create transformative opportunities for scientists and students to conduct innovative research to better characterize structural and parametric uncertainties in aerosol/chemistry modules, and to develop a common set of aerosol/chemistry parameterizations.

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  2. Abstract

    Tropical cyclone (TC) forecast verification techniques have traditionally focused on track and intensity, as these are some of the most important characteristics of TCs and are often the principal verification concerns of operational forecast centers. However, there is a growing need to verify other aspects of TCs as process-based validation techniques may be increasingly necessary for further track and intensity forecast improvements as well as improving communication of the broad impacts of TCs including inland flooding from precipitation. Here we present a set of TC-focused verification methods available via the Model Evaluation Tools (MET) ranging from traditional approaches to the application of storm-centric coordinates and the use of feature-based verification of spatially defined TC objects. Storm-relative verification using observed and forecast tracks can be useful for identifying model biases in precipitation accumulation in relation to the storm center. Using a storm-centric cylindrical coordinate system based on the radius of maximum wind adds additional storm-relative capabilities to regrid precipitation fields onto cylindrical or polar coordinates. This powerful process-based model diagnostic and verification technique provides a framework for improved understanding of feedbacks between forecast tracks, intensity, and precipitation distributions. Finally, object-based verification including land masking capabilities provides even more nuanced verification options. Precipitation objects of interest, either the central core of TCs or extended areas of rainfall after landfall, can be identified, matched to observations, and quickly aggregated to build meaningful spatial and summary verification statistics.

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  3. The Developmental Testbed Center (DTC) tested two convective parameterization schemes in the Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting (HWRF) Model and compared them in terms of performance of forecasting tropical cyclones (TCs). Several TC forecasts were conducted with the scale-aware Simplified Arakawa Schubert (SAS) and Grell–Freitas (GF) convective schemes over the Atlantic basin. For this sample of over 100 cases, the storm track and intensity forecasts were superior for the GF scheme compared to SAS. A case study showed improved storm structure for GF when compared with radar observations. The GF run had increased inflow in the boundary layer, which resulted in higher angular momentum. An angular momentum budget analysis shows that the difference in the contribution of the eddy transport to the total angular momentum tendency is small between the two forecasts. The main difference is in the mean transport term, especially in the boundary layer. The temperature tendencies indicate higher contribution from the microphysics and cumulus heating above the boundary layer in the GF run. A temperature budget analysis indicated that both the temperature advection and diabatic heating were the dominant terms and they were larger near the storm center in the GF run than in the SAS run. The above results support the superior performance of the GF scheme for TC intensity forecast.

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