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Creators/Authors contains: "Bhikadiya, Charmi"

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  1. Abstract

    The Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB,, the US Worldwide Protein Data Bank (wwPDB, data center for the global PDB archive, provides access to the PDB data via its research-focused web portal. We report substantial additions to the tools and visualization features available at, which now delivers more than 227000 experimentally determined atomic-level three-dimensional (3D) biostructures stored in the global PDB archive alongside more than 1 million Computed Structure Models (CSMs) of proteins (including models for human, model organisms, select human pathogens, crop plants and organisms important for addressing climate change). In addition to providing support for 3D structure motif searches with user-provided coordinates, new features highlighted herein include query results organized by redundancy-reduced Groups and summary pages that facilitate exploration of groups of similar proteins. Newly released programmatic tools are also described, as are enhanced training opportunities.

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  2. Abstract

    The Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB), founding member of the Worldwide Protein Data Bank (wwPDB), is the US data center for the open-access PDB archive. As wwPDB-designated Archive Keeper, RCSB PDB is also responsible for PDB data security. Annually, RCSB PDB serves >10 000 depositors of three-dimensional (3D) biostructures working on all permanently inhabited continents. RCSB PDB delivers data from its research-focused web portal to many millions of PDB data consumers based in virtually every United Nations-recognized country, territory, etc. This Database Issue contribution describes upgrades to the research-focused web portal that created a one-stop-shop for open access to ∼200 000 experimentally-determined PDB structures of biological macromolecules alongside >1 000 000 incorporated Computed Structure Models (CSMs) predicted using artificial intelligence/machine learning methods. is a ‘living data resource.’ Every PDB structure and CSM is integrated weekly with related functional annotations from external biodata resources, providing up-to-date information for the entire corpus of 3D biostructure data freely available from with no usage limitations. Within, PDB structures and the CSMs are clearly identified as to their provenance and reliability. Both are fully searchable, and can be analyzed and visualized using the full complement of web portal capabilities.

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  3. Abstract The Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB), the US data center for the global PDB archive and a founding member of the Worldwide Protein Data Bank partnership, serves tens of thousands of data depositors in the Americas and Oceania and makes 3D macromolecular structure data available at no charge and without restrictions to millions of users around the world, including >660 000 educators, students and members of the curious public using PDB data depositors include structural biologists using macromolecular crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 3D electron microscopy and micro-electron diffraction. PDB data consumers accessing our web portals include researchers, educators and students studying fundamental biology, biomedicine, biotechnology, bioengineering and energy sciences. During the past 2 years, the research-focused RCSB PDB web portal ( has undergone a complete redesign, enabling improved searching with full Boolean operator logic and more facile access to PDB data integrated with >40 external biodata resources. New features and resources are described in detail using examples that showcase recently released structures of SARS-CoV-2 proteins and host cell proteins relevant to understanding and addressing the COVID-19 global pandemic. 
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  4. Abstract

    Communication and collaboration are key science competencies that support sharing of scientific knowledge with experts and non‐experts alike. On the one hand, they facilitate interdisciplinary conversations between students, educators, and researchers, while on the other they improve public awareness, enable informed choices, and impact policy decisions. Herein, we describe an interdisciplinary undergraduate course focused on using data from various bioinformatics data resources to explore the molecular underpinnings of diabetes mellitus (Types 1 and 2) and introducing students to science communication. Building on course materials and original student‐generated artifacts, a series of collaborative activities engaged students, educators, researchers, healthcare professionals and community members in exploring, learning about, and discussing the molecular bases of diabetes. These collaborations generated novel educational materials and approaches to learning and presenting complex ideas about major global health challenges in formats accessible to diverse audiences.

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